Personal Profiles
Name: XXX Sex: Female
Ethnic: Chinese political face: the masses
Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: Graphic Design
Phone: 12345678 mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx
Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007
Educational background
Graduate institutions: the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts 1995.9 - 1998.7 graphic design professional
Other: Other training * Master Photoshop5.0/pagemark6.5/freehand8.0/CorelDraw/Illustrator/Firework, Flash, Dream Weaver and other graphic design software
* Often good at drawing cartoon graphics, a work published
Work experience
【平面设计师个人英文简历怎么写?】* 1998.6 --- 1999.6 XX advertising agency graphic design
Responsible for the company's creative advertising, design and production of complete
* 1999.7 --- art e-commerce company has engineers XX
Company logo design, web design
I received formal art education, has a good knowledge of art and artistic quality, according to the company's need for the design of production, master a wide range of computer software, able to efficiently complete the work. Character I cheerful, active thinking, highly creative and easy to communicate, have good sense of team.
I character
Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).
Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!
Look forward to working with your interviews!
姓名: ***
户口所在地: 湛江
国籍: 中国
身材: 163 cm 47 kg
目前所在地: 天河区
婚姻状况: 未婚
民族: 汉族
年龄: 25 岁
人才类型: 普通求职
应聘职位: 平面设计师、美编、排版设计
? 公司名称: 起止年月:2010-10 ~ 2010-11强升广告公司
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:广告
担任职务: 平面广告设计师
工作描述: 强升广告设计公司是一间印刷与设计公司,主要是服务于汽车行业,业务主要有广告设计,包装设计,画册设计,名片设计,印刷等方面,而我的工作主要是负责公司的画册设计,平面广告设计,名片的设计等工作,平时的工作方式主要是直接跟客户沟通和交流,按客户的要求来设计 。
? 公司名称: 起止年月:2009-02 ~ 2010-07广州荔湾三川工艺厂
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:家具/家电/工艺品/玩具/珠宝
担任职务: 平面设计
工作描述: 广州荔湾三川工艺厂是一间软体沙发家具厂,工厂主要是以生产和出口懒人沙发和豆袋为主 。我的工作是负责平面设计方面的工作 。如:产品画册的设计,产品印花的设计与制作,产品配色,产品拍照和产品图片的处理,产品附件的制作如:织唛、吊牌、洗水标、箱嘜、条形码等的制.,还有参与公司新产品的开发 。求职类型: 全职月薪要求: 2000--3500希望工作地区: 广州
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