汽车论文的参考文献怎么写?( 二 )

[6]傅立敏 , 张群锋 , 靳春宇.汽车尾迹涡的形成及其控制[J].汽车工程 , 2000 , 22(1):1320.
[7]朱晖 , 杨志刚.小尺寸缩比模型车风洞试验及数值验证[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版) , 41(10):15621566.
[8]王佳.三厢车气动阻力特性优化设计研究[D].上海:同济大学 , 2013.


Foreign automobile marketing mode rare reference to the research for the automobile marketing mode, and also rare.After the existing data
collection and found that foreign automobile marketing mode of literature concentrate on franchising (4S monopoly) in the field.John S Kiff (2000) view is that the car manufacturers, franchise model represents a low input, low-risk and control channel for the market.Franchise mode on the car because franchisees have many requirements, such as the minimum level of sales and service capabilities.Car manufacturers do not need to sell part of investment capital and management, these tasks borne by the dealer.Johny K Johanon McCrane / shaker (1998) that the franchise model is the most important features of manufacturers and distributors from the "zero-sum race" into a mutually supportive relationship between the "win-win" relationship.Abell, Mark (1993) found that consumers store to buy a car through the license, especially high-end cars, not only the purchase of the product itself, but more importantly a symbol of status, peer recognition and the reality of man\\'s spirit so that if The expensive high-end cars with poor car market crowded together on the show, will greatly reduce the value of the former.On automobile marketing mode, many of our scholars from different angles, using different methods to make their respective contributions, mainly in the following areas: Sized Enterprises Jiang-hui, "Multinational Automobile Marketing Models" (2004) proposed: the current mode of the general framework of the car market is divided into three main elements: marketing ideas, marketing
organizations and marketing.Construction of the network from the
marketing point of view, the network marketing model into construction mode, and network by network models and patterns; from the marketing organization\\'s point of view, the agent system into marketing mode, auto trading market system, distribution system of licensing, multi-brand specialty forms, etc.; from the marketing point of view, the agents and direct marketing model into other ways.Hanxue Chun in "System of China\\'s auto sales and auto sales market structure model" (2002) that: a
reasonable model would be automotive products as the main distributor for the leading all aspects of service features, the user at the core to the Automotive enterprises, automobile products (vehicles, parts and
components), car dealers, car product users, car repair services, auto finance services, car insurance services, and busine management