简爱英文简介10篇( 三 )

简爱英文简介 二:
Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontɛ 。It was published in London England in 1847 with the title Jane Eyre 。An Autobiography under the pen name "Currer Bell" 。The Penguin edition describes it as an "influential feminist text" because of its in-depth exploration of a strong female character's feelings 。
《简爱》是英国小说作家夏洛蒂?勃朗特的作品1847年在英国伦敦出版书名定为自传《简爱》以笔名“库瑞尔贝尔”署名 。Penguin出版社的版次将小说誉为“具有影响力的女权主义文本”因为小说深入探索了女主角的强烈情感 。
The novel merges elements of three distinct genres 。It has the form of a Bildungsroman a story about a child's maturation focusing on the emotions and experiences that acpany growth to adulthood 。The novel also contains much social criticism with a strong sense of morality at its core and finally has the brooding and moody quality and Byronic character typical of Gothic fiction 。
小说融合了三截然不一样的写作风格 。小说文本是教育小说讲述了一个小孩的成长过程聚焦陪伴孩子成长到成人的情感和经历 。小说同样内含不少社会批判的资料强烈的道德感尤为突出 。最后小说还有哥特式小说特点婉约曲折人物嘲讽而浪漫 。
It is a novel often considered ahead of its time due to its portrayal of the development of a thinking and passionate young woman who is both individualistic desiring for a full life while also highly moral 。Jane evolves from her beginnings as a poor and plain woman without captivating charm to her mature stage as a passionate and confident whole woman 。As she matures she ments much on the plexities of the human condition 。Jane also has a deeply pious personal trust in God but is also highly self-reliant 。Although Jane suffers much she is never portrayed as a damsel in distress who needs rescuing 。For this reason it is sometimes regarded as an important early feminist (or proto-feminist) novel 。
这部小说被认为走在时代的前面因为小说刻画了一个有思想、有热情的年轻女子她热衷个人主义期望完整的生活同时有着高尚的道德操守 。简爱从一个清贫而平凡无奇的姑娘演变成一个富有同情、充满自信的完整女性 。随着她的成熟她开始对人性的复杂表达自我的见解 。简爱极度忠诚于上帝但又十分独立自主 。虽然简爱经历许多苦难她给人的印象从来不是一个需要救赎的可怜姑娘 。因为这些原因这部小说被认为一部重要的早期女权主义 或原始女权主义小说 。
浪漫小说《简爱》不明白激励了多少女生成为独立的女性 。从《简爱》的英文简介中我们也多少能够感受到它的力量 。
简爱英文简介 三:
Jane love parents sojourn in uncle's early death died uncle aunt took her to the orphanage and came to Saan Field when the hero luoche Mr 。Secretary family teacher Mr Rochester temper strange after several contacts Jane fell in love with him 。In their wedding Mason broke into the old castle attic hut the insane woman is the wife of Mr 。Roache division Jane love as his mistress not leave Saan Field 。To a remote place with the help of the priest found a village teacher's occupation 。The proposed marriage to Jane love in the minister she thought of luoche Mr 。secretary 。When back to Saan Field castle ruins 。Jane loves to Mr Rochester live Ferndean threw herself into the arms of luoche Mr 。secretary 。。。。。。