简爱英文简介10篇( 五 )

简爱英文简介 六:
Book Description Charlotte Brontɛ characterized the eponymous heroine of her 1847 novel as being "as poor and plain as myself 。" Presenting a heroine with neither great beauty nor entrancing charm was an unprecendented maneuver but Brontɛ's instincts proved correct for readers of her era and ever after have taken Jane Eyre into their hearts 。The author drew upon her own experience to depict Jane's struggles at Lowood an oppressive boarding school and her troubled career as a governess 。Unlike Jane Brontɛ had the advantage of a warm family circle that shared and encouraged her literary pursuits 。She found immediate success with this saga of an orphan girl forced to make her way alone in the world from Lowood School to Thornfield the estate of the majestically moody Mr 。Rochester and beyond 。Unabridged republication of a standard edition 。
简爱英文简介 七:
Jane Eyre: Written by C BronteIntroduction and Notes by Dr Sally Minogue Canterbury Christ Church University College 。    
Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction 。Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance she possesses an indomitable spirit a sharp wit and great courage 。She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian a harsh employer and a rigid social order 。All of which circumscribe her life and position when she bees governess to the daughter of the mysterious sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester 。    
However there is great kindness and warmth in this epic love story which is set against the magnificent backdrop of the Yorkshire moors 。
简爱英文简介 八:
Jane Eyre is a poor orphan with a joyless life as a child in the opening chapters 。Her wealthy aunt the widowed Mrs 。Reed is bound by a deathbed promise to her husband to raise his orphaned niece Jane 。However she and her children are unkind to Jane never failing to emphasize how she is below them 。Jane's plain intelligent and passionate nature bined with her occasional "visions" or vivid dreams certainly do not help to secure her relatives' affections 。
When tensions escalate Jane is sent to Lowood a boarding school run by the inhumane Mr 。Brocklehurst 。She is soon branded a liar which hurts her even more than malnutrition and cold but Miss Temple the teacher Jane admires later clears her of these charges 。She also finds her only friend in Helen Burns who is very learned and intelligent has a patient and philosophical mind and believes firmly in God 。Helen is often singled out for punishment by a teacher Miss Scatcherd who claims she is a bad child because she is disorganized inpetent and often late 。Helen accepts these faults and teaches Jane to accept discipline in order to improve her fiery temper and character 。While Jane responds to the injustices of the world with a barely contained burning temper Helen accepts earthly sufferings including her own premature death from consumption (now known as tuberculosis) with calmness and a martyr-like attitude 。