简爱英文简介10篇( 六 )

After a serious typhoid fever epidemic occurs simultaneously with Helen's death the conditions in Lowood improve and Jane slowly finds her place in the institution eventually being a teacher 。When Miss Temple marries and moves away Jane decides to change careers 。She is desperate to see the world beyond Lowood and puts out an advertisement in the local paper soon securing a position as governess in Thornfield Hall 。
At first life is very quiet with Jane teaching a young French girl Ad¨¨le and spending time with the old housekeeper Mrs 。Fairfax 。But everything changes when the owner of the manor??brooding Byronic fiery Edward Rochester??arrives 。Though on rough footing at first he and Jane slowly bee acquainted with and grow to respect each other 。Mr 。Rochester creates an elaborate set-up by seemingly courting a proud local beauty named Miss Blanche Ingram until Jane cannot bear it any longer 。Mr 。Rochester then admits that his courtship of Miss Ingram was a ruse to arouse Jane's jealousy and that it is she whom he truly loves 。His feelings are returned and they bee engaged despite their differences in social status age and experience 。Jane is young and innocent at nineteen years old while Rochester is nearly forty??worldly and thoroughly disillusioned with life and religion 。Jane is determined to stay modest plain and virtuous and Rochester is almost equally determined to offer h
er expensive presents and finery 。The former has the moral high ground though and the weeks before the wedding are spent mostly as she wishes 。
【简爱英文简介10篇】The wedding ceremony is interrupted by a lawyer who declares that Mr 。Rochester is already married 。His mad wife Bertha Mason a Creole from Jamaica whom his family forced him to marry resides in the attic of Thornfield Hall and her presence explains all sorts of mysterious events that have taken place during Jane's stay in Thornfield 。Mr 。Rochester offers to take her abroad to live with him but Jane is not willing to sacrifice her morals or self-respect for earthly pleasures let alone accept the status of mistress even though Rochester insists Jane will break his heart if she refuses him 。Torn between her love for Rochester and her own integrity and religion Jane flees Thornfield in the middle of the night with very little money and nowhere to go 。
She wanders for a few days and finally finds safe haven under an alias with a vicar St 。John Rivers and his two sisters 。They bond and in due course Jane is given a position as village schoolteacher 。Later St 。John learns Jane's true identity and by an incredible coincidence it transpires that he and his sisters are actually her cousins 。Additionally Jane conveniently inherits a large sum of money from an uncle who lived abroad 。The cousins are left without inheritance because of an old family feud but she promptly splits the money so that all four of them are now financially secure 。This gives St 。John the means to pursue his true calling to go to India as a missionary but not without proposing marriage to Jane in order for her to acpany him 。Though this is her opportunity to choose a husband of high morals she knows St 。John does not truly love her 。Contrary to her protest he insists they must be married if they are to go to India 。Jane nearly succumbs to his propos