简爱英文简介10篇( 七 )

al but at the last minute in another supernatural episode she hears Rochester's voice calling her in the wind and feels the need to respond to it 。
Jane immediately travels to Thornfield Hall only to find it destroyed by a fire and abandoned 。She learns that Mr 。Rochester lost a hand an eye and sight in the other eye as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to save Bertha from the flames of which she was the cause 。Upon acquiring the knowledge of his location at a country manor called Ferndean she sets off for it 。She and Mr 。Rochester reconcile and marry for he has adopted love and religion 。She writes from the perspective of ten years after their marriage during which she gave birth to a son and Mr 。Rochester gained part of his sight back 。Jane's long quest to find love and a sense of belonging is finally fulfilled 。The book ends with a look at the noble missionary death of St 。John Rivers far away in India most likely representing the righteousness of the path Jane did not take 。
简爱英文简介 九:
Jane Eyre: The protagonist and title character orphaned as a baby 。She is a plain-featured and reserved but talented empathetic hard-working honest (not to say blunt) and passionate girl 。Skilled at studying drawing and teaching she works as a governess at Thornfield Manor and falls in love with her wealthy employer Edward Rochester 。But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to bee his mistress and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has e into an inheritance 。
Mr 。Reed: Jane's maternal uncle 。He adopts Jane when her parents die 。Before his own death he makes his wife promise to care for Jane 。
Mrs 。Sarah Reed: Jane's aunt by marriage who resides at Gateshead 。Because her husband insists Mrs 。Reed adopts Jane 。Jane however receives nothing but neglect and abuse at her hands 。At the age of ten Jane is sent away to school 。Years later Jane attempts to reconcile with her aunt but Mrs 。Reed spurns her still resenting that her husband loved Jane more than his own children 。Shortly afterward Mrs 。Reed dies of a stroke 。
John Reed: Mrs 。Reed's son and Jane's cousin 。He is Mrs 。Reed's "own darling" though he bullies Jane constantly sometimes in his mother's presence 。He goes to college ruining himself and Gateshead through gambling 。Word es of his death; his decision to mit suicide 。
简爱英文简介 十:
简爱父母早亡寄居在舅舅家舅舅病逝后舅母把她送进孤儿院来到桑恩费尔德当男主人公罗彻司特先生家的家庭教师罗彻先生脾气古怪经过几次接触简爱爱上了他 。在他们举行婚礼时梅森闯进来指出古堡顶楼小屋里的疯女人是罗彻司特先生的妻子简爱不愿作为情妇离开了桑恩费尔德 。来到一个偏远的地方在牧师的帮忙下找到了一个乡村教师的职业 。在牧师向简爱提出结婚时她想起了罗彻司特先生 。当赶回桑恩费尔德时古堡已成废墟 。简爱赶往罗彻司特先生住的芬丁扑到了罗彻司特先生的怀里……