考卷下发后作文350字 写法怎么样?

期中考试前我做了比较充分的准备 , 考试的时候也觉得题目不太难 , 不过试卷发下来 , 我还是被“82”的.分数惊喜了一下 。
我平时不爱复习语文 , 作文也总不知道写什么 , 考试经常是七十多 , 作文扣的也比较多 , 这次的作文只扣了7分 。
我一边订正;一边仔细地分析这次小小进步的原因:考试前我认真的复习和听写了生词;语文园地和课文要求背诵的我也背了 , 默写了;考试前写的一篇关于童年的作文我牢记在心 。这些都是成绩的提高的原因 , 不过细看还有不少根本不应该错的地方 , 如果细心一点 , 认真一点 , 这些分就不会丢 , 那我成绩还能跟好一些 。我暗暗下定决心:下次的语文测试我要考85分以上 。
妈妈也常跟我说:功夫靠平时!以后没学完一课 , 我就要复习 , 把生字记牢 。每一单元的语文园地也及时复习 。还要多看课外数 , 我最近看了《明朝那些事儿》的五卷 , 不但从中了解历史 , 还要吸取更多的文学养分 , 努力提高语文成绩 。

考卷下发后作文350字 写法怎么样?

9The Power of Music
Music is the universal language of mankind.Music is everywhere.We can hear it in restaurants, airports, railway stations, supermarkets, department stores, banks, hospitals, and many other public places.Music of all kinds is now available, and tapes and CDs are not very expensive.
Music plays an important role in our everyday lives.Music can expre emotions that are beyond speech and give us a better feeling about ourselves and about everything around us.It can change our attitudes towards many things.
When we feel sad, music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life which can cheer us up; when we are tired and bored, music can make us relaxed, it has charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.When we are working or studying, music can provide us with a pleasant environment so that we can work or study more efficiently.Music can make people work faster and with more energy.The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expreing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music.Music can also lull the babies to sleep and can even make cows produce more milk.In a word, music is irresistible and life without music would be boring and monotonous.
Unit 8Nature or Nurture "Which Has Had More Influence on You, Heredity or Environment?"
I always believe that a person can succeed in doing anything he feels interested in.Your environment provides all sorts of opportunities and the things neceary for your personal
pursuit and achievement.
Which has had more influence on you, heredity or environment? This is a difficult question to answer.