考卷下发后作文350字 写法怎么样?( 二 )

First, let us examine the influence of heredity.All my clamates call me "Fat Yu" because I am fat.My father is also fat, so I can\\'t help connecting my fatne with his! Although I can\\'t be absolutely sure that it comes from my father, I do think that I probably have a gene which he paed on to me and which determines my body build or shape.
Aside from that gene, my father gave me many excellent qualities.For example, I think I am good at abstract thinking.My father is an engineer and he often tells me that he was very good at Math and Physics at middle school and college.So thanks to these genes of his I got into this university.
However, I have many other characteristics, which may come from the environment I grew up in.For example, my father and mother are conservative and traditional.They lack a spirit of adventure and they have a hard time understanding many of the new things in China today.I, on the contrary, have the desire to explore and I hope I can become a pioneer of reform.I often have many original thoughts and ideas.All changes taking
place around me whet my appetite for exploration.
In conclusion, I think both heredity and environment have influenced me greatly.Heredity created me, but environment has improved me.
Unit 7 The Joy of Travel Traveling Is Wonderful
In school we always study hard and rarely have time for play and relaxation.During our vacation, we can do what we like.Some students go swimming, watch TV, go to the cinema, etc.But all I want to do is to travel. Traveling is interesting.You can see a lot of fascinating things and you can learn about history.Three years ago, I went to Beijing.When I was in the Summer Palace, I walked through the famous Long Corridor, admiring the beautiful pictures drawn on it.In the Imperial Palace, I saw a lot of rare treasures I had never seen before.I went to the Great Wall as well as the Ming Tombs.After visiting these famous places, I can’t help feeling proud of my great motherland.
I think it is important to travel to different countries, if poible, so that you can learn about different cultures and customs.It can widen your knowledge of the world.In addition to learning new things, you can also discover the beauty of nature by yourself.When you are on the top of a mountain, you can breathe fresh air, you can see green scenery below and you can hear the sounds of nature.It is a very wonderful feeling.
Now I’d like to invite you to go on a trip with me.Can you refuse?
Unit 6 Animals
Animals Should Be Trained
There are a wide variety of animals in the world.And many of them are highly intelligent.So if we train some animals to work for human beings, we can save a lot of money and manpower.
First, some kinds of animals can be trained based on their capacity to do certain types of jobs better than humans.For example, since dogs have a superior ability to track down odors, we can train them to find illegal drugs, earthquake victims, or even ancient tombs.
Second, some animals can even lend us their hands.The monkey is a good example.Monkeys can be trained to learn to open doors, fetch tools, bring books, etc.So they can help those who cannot move about freely because of some physical problems.Monkeys make the lives of these people happier and more comfortable.