
美妙的上课音乐响了 。我们个个都端端正正地坐着等老师来上课 , 只见董老师笑眯眯地走进教室 。她微笑着说:“同学们 , 今天我给你们请来了一位新老师 。”话音刚落 , 同学们就议论开了 。“是谁呀?”“不会是阳光姐姐吧!”“不可能 , 应该不是!”……
老师神秘地做了一个手势 , 教室里立刻鸭雀无声 。只见董老师从口袋里摸出一个小盒子 , 小心地按了一下上面的电钮 。突然 , 从门外就滑进一个脑袋方方的 , 身体长长的 , 脚粗粗的机器人 。头上还插着两根电线 , 眼睛不大 , 她的脚底有像有溜冰鞋那样的轮子 , 能前后左右地转动 , 非常灵活 。
“现在请新老师给大家上新课!”董老师兴奋地说 。顿时 , 教室里响起了一片喧闹声和掌声 。接着 , 董老师又按了一个电钮 , 那机器人就走上了讲台 。她不用课本 , 滔滔不绝地讲了起来 。她讲得那么流利响亮 , 那么生动有趣 , 竟和董老师讲得一样有声有色 。她还不时地用教鞭指指点点 , 提出了各种各样有意思的问题 , 让同学们都一一作答 。
太出乎意料了 , 我们竟然都答对了 。机器人老师讲的课 , 深深地吸引了我们 , 连平时老爱开小差的同学也听得津津有味 。才上了20分钟的课 , 机器人老师就让我们看自已喜爱的书 。
下课了 , 她不布置任何作业 , 但我们好像都完全掌握了这节课的`内容 。“丁零零 , 丁零零……”小闹钟的铃声把我给唤醒了 。哦 , 原来是我在做梦啊!我多么希望那是真的 , 多么希望机器人老师能真的来到我们身边 , 多么希望……
The robots is important in our life or not?
Some people think that robots are very important for humans\\' future development.Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society.
For centuries, people have fantasized that someday robots could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants.Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence researches.However, the iue of the wide application of robots can be deemed as beneficial as detrimental.
On the one hand, there is no denying that robots bring about an array of positive aspects, such as high work efficiency and low work risk.First, the workload that could take months to finish by manual labour could be done flawlely by robots in minutes, which allows individuals to be involved in other activities.Second, it is widely acknowledged that robots could do dangerous jobs instead of people in high risk businees like mining and construction; therefore, people’s safety can be ensured to a considerable degree.