Tolerate to accept a candy 英语创作

Tolerate to accept a candy 英语创作

Tolerate(宽恕)to accept a condy
It had been three minutes after the bill rang .Hearing the noise,I searched whom was talking.Acting as the monitor(监管者),i was glaring at a girl who was chatting 。After sensing I was looking at her,the smile on her face disappeared immediately ,turning around to do what she was supposed to do.
Facing this situation,I thought of the mistake I made,being deep thought.
This thing dates back to(追溯到) eight years ago. When i thought of it,the scene was glittering in the sunlight(在阳光下闪闪发光) 。
In my junior school, a girl with black skin was always laughed by others. At first ,I just act as an on-looker(旁观者).Most of the time looking what happened to her,but sometimes I would help her against people who played tricks on her. But as time went by,I had changed my mind, determined to do as those who laughed at her. At that time, none of us considered it was wrong.
When it occurs to me nowadays,while i think of thisthing, feeling regretful and shameful. "What profit pushes me to do that? "I ask myself,as it known to us that it's wrong to laugh at others.
It is what comforts me that I admitted the mistake that I had made. After learning the situation where she was, I decided to extend an apology to her.
【Tolerate to accept a candy 英语创作】It can be clearly remembered that it was a sunny day. I walked towards her when she was studying. She turned to me immediately with a frown standing on her face when called. “I﹉I am so sorry to do a serve injury to you.”My voice trembled with guilt.
After hearing what I said, a warm smile lit up on her face and I was dumbstruck(惊呆) at what she said next.
“I'm so glad you make an apology to me, but it's just an insignificant(微不足道的)thing. ”Her eyes fell to(落在) the table,continued to share her feelings, “it's the experience that teaches me to learn from the life, accepting what the word gives me, whether it's amazing or bad. "When she looked up.,they were glistening with tears(泪光闪闪).
Astonished by her words , I couldn't contain myself and began to cry, never could I imagine what she had gone through and how she dealt with so many complex feelings.
Realizing that we should acquire the habit of (养成﹉的习惯)admitting the mistake and when we were laughed by others,We're ought to fix us attention(致力于)to improve ourselves to identify they were wrong, instead of fighting back by words.
Knowing that we should be generous with others as return, just as the girl who was kind enough to accept my apology.
The bill rang , the symbol of the class was over.
“Xie Lei, I was so sorry that I was talking when the bill has rang.Please accept my apology and this candy!"
I accept Zhao Ying's apologize,accepting her candy with two hands,smiling to her gently.
After seeing it, her jumped up and down with delight feelings. “Thank you.!”