
我们的梦想和发展方向不要让别人来决定 。如若准许别人对我们予以限定,那么我们就会处于别人的掌控下 。我们的梦想从来就不是别人的,它只属于我们自己 。
Leave the excess baggage of yesterday's mistakes and dare to enter into all the tomorrow. Leave yesterday to hisory and resolve to begin fresh each new day daring to make dreams become a reality.
放下昨日错误的重负,勇敢地融入明日的生活 。将昨日载入史册,满怀信心地迎接每个新日子的到来,努力将理想变为现实 。
Dreams cannot be bought, sold, nor traded. Dreams are the part of us that no one else can claim right to posses. Dreams are what keep life full of passion and vitality!
我们的梦想不能买卖,也不能用它做任何交易 。梦想是我们生命的组成部分,其他任何人都无权占有 。梦想能使生命激情四溢,活力无限 。
Do not allow others to define who we are or what our desires may be. When we allow others to define our boundaries, we become the limits others have imposed upon us. Our dreams are our own and belong to no one else.
我们的梦想和发展方向不要让别人来决定 。如若准许别人对我们予以限定,那么我们就会处于别人的掌控下 。我们的梦想从来就不是别人的,它只属于我们自己 。
Never admit defeat to a wasted life by forsaking your dreams!
永远不要觉得你征服了虚无的生命而将自己的梦想放弃 。
Life is sweetened by friendships we encounter along the highways that journey into our dreams.
友谊可以滋养我们的生命,而它正是在我们追随梦想的路上获得的 。
Dreams are complex and take years to accomplish, while holding onto the simplicity of a very young child.
梦想是复杂的,它的实现需要一定的时间,而保有一颗纯朴的童心也是必要的 。
Do not allow life and the demands of making a living force you to put dreams on hold.
切勿因疲于奔命而觉得难以承载梦想的重负 。
Not just the successfully rich and famous have a right to their dreams. Chase after them as the wind!
梦想并不是富人和名人等成功人士的专利 。让我们如风儿般去追随梦想吧!
The very fact that you are reading these words at this moment is the accomplishment of a dream come true. Since early childhood, I had a dream to write for others to read what I have written, wheter it is poetry or simple stories and ideas. I have not dreamed of fortune of fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a different in their lives.
事实上,吟咏这些文字的此时,已是一个梦想实现的过程 。孩提时,我就梦想这创作一些文字,杂诗也好,浅显的故事或随笔也罢,只要能供人赏阅就好 。我没有获取财富和声誉的梦想,我只想使自己的写作风格为别人所接受,若可能,最好能让自己的作品对他人的生活有所影响 。
People have a need to read, I have a need to create with words same as a musician creates music with instruments, or an artist paints his imaginations before our eyes.
人们有阅读的需求,我有文字创作的欲望,正像音乐家需乐器来演奏或艺术家需将想象力用画作的形式表达出来,展示在人们面前一样 。
Please keep dreaming and never give up on yourself.
By William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
Ithank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance,
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears,
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Invictus 是拉丁语 未被征服的意思,但是被用作不屈不挠的解释
威廉·埃内斯特·亨利(1849 – 1903)
无边的旷野一片幽鸣 。
赐给我不屈的灵魂 。
绝不畏缩,绝不哭泣 。
我的头在流血,却没有低下 。
始终无法令我畏惧 。