
1、I envy “not the bright lovers in the street ,but they can be together.”.
2、I will only take the vexatious and give me the most trusted people ,because I think they can rely on.
3、When you say to me ,you don’t know her ,do you ever think about how much you know me?
4、我漫无目的的走走停停 , 却始终走不出你的世界 。
5、I leave the last drop of tears ,leaving no miss.
6、Don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
7、每一个说不相信爱的人 , 其实心里都装着一个不可能的人 。
8、In the age of innocence too much emotion ,all love to enjoy the full bloom.
9、桔梗花有双层花语:永恒的爱 , 无望的爱 。
10、Really not as red money ,the feelings of the need for sex!
11、Flower has double meaning、 eternal love ,hopeless love.
12、The so-called escape ,just can’t face.
13、There is a person ,give you a pack of arsenic you will be like honey water to drink.
14、难道是我爱的太用力了 , 至于你受不了 。
15、Who read the west wind alone cool ,then only way is unusual.
16、事到如今 , 我们还是在不停地捉着迷藏 , 到底要躲躲藏藏到什么时候呢?
17、When I love someone ,I do not love you.
18、You and I have the agitation of youth ,is my life the most beautiful memories.
19、爱你 , 可不可以不放弃?
20、Ask you to be the treasure in my palm.

21、Said nothing ,because you no longer belong to me.
22、You are one of my ribs ,forever in the heart of the nearest location ,guard it’s beating.
23、会不会有一天 , 你忽然出现在我身后 , 蒙住我眼说我回来了 。
24、Some things ,can not explain. You feel the value ,the value ,you think it is not worth ,others say value ,you also feel unworthy.
25、我留下最后一滴泪 , 不留任何挂念的离开 。
26、我看不清路的方向 , 不知该怎样捕捉一些想珍惜的时光 。
27、幸福 , 如履薄冰 , 收起天真的笑脸 , 学会长大!
28、你笑一次我可以高兴好几天 , 可看你哭一次 , 我就难过了好几年 。
29、我羡慕的”不是街上那些耀眼的情侣 , 而是他们能在一起 。
30、当我卸下伪装走到你面前 , 才发现 , 我就是一个笑话 。
31、你跌跌撞撞 , 落得这一身伤 , 就当是为青春 , 画下的残妆 。
32、I only love you that small ,but you can’t give.
33、In fact ,the people are very smart ,because they love you will never be hurt.
34、时间不会让我忘记你 , 而是让我习惯没有你 。
35、多年以后 , 从此我们后会无期 。
36、挫折会来 , 也会过去 , 热泪会流下 , 也会收起 , 没有什么可以让你气馁的 。