英文个性心情短语(精选157句)( 二 )

37、离开我就别安慰我要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛 。
38、Every morning you wake me up or I wake you up ,because I want to open my eyes ,I can see you in the first time.
39、因为我的灵魂没有寄托 , 所以你可以尽情的骗我 。
40、我已经失去过太多 , 但最后还是把你也失去了 。
41、简单的一句我爱你 。你却老不信 。
42、Because my soul has no place ,so you can fool me.
43、听到你对我说的话 , 我就会得意一整天 。
44、I aimless walk ,you can’t walk out of the world.
45、所谓了逃避 , 只是无法面对迩 。
46、I like you ,this is the fact that will never change.
47、I don’t understand romance ,but I know what’s good for you.
48、The girl who stays up all night probably needs a person who commands her to sleep.
49、其实自恋的人很聪明 , 因为爱上自己永远不会受伤 。
50、The one who loves you ,the one who wants you ,the one who loves you ,wants your future.
51、I will be the lonely feed ,warm you again.
52、A person’s world ,sick ,a person carry; tired ,a person hide; pain ,a person block.
53、As we grow older ,we are not losing some of our friends ,but we know who is the real friend.
54、I have lost too much ,but in the end you have lost.
55、好可惜我们并不是谁都无法插足的关系 , 我没有勇气越过重重的人群来到你身边 。
56、Sometimes ,we are willing to forgive a person ,not we really willing to forgive him ,but we do not want to lose him.
57、如果我是你的嫁妆 , 请随身携带好 , 男人 。
58、You stumbled into this ,a wound ,when is for youth ,and draw the makeup.
59、总有那么一天 , 我习惯了你的直来直去 , 你也猜透了我的口是心非 。
60、Back to the past ,can not return to the original.
61、Not every time after breaking up ,can change his turn around a warm embrace.
62、云想衣裳花想容 , 春风拂槛露华浓 。
63、I take the rest of my life with you for him ,don’t let me sad ,don’t let my heart.
64、静静的沉默 , 融化了以往的执着 , 你可知道没有你的我就已经不再是我 。
65、Don’t want to find words to describe a Yuemiaoyuehei Cangmang.
66、一个人生活 , 可以很快乐!可是 , 只有一个人 , 便不能说是幸福 。
67、Have you ,my every day is laughter.
68、不想再探寻字句 , 来描绘一份越描越黑旳苍茫 。
69、谁念西风独自凉 , 当时只道是寻常 。
70、Setbacks will come ,will be in the past ,tears will flow down ,will be put away ,there is nothing to discourage you.
71、我拿余生与你举案齐眉 , 别让我皱眉 , 也别让我心如死灰 。
72、也许总是要等到失去了之后才能被感动 , 才能发现自己原来也拥有那么多 。