
A Heptasyllabic QuatrainDu Fu
Two yellow orioles sing in the green willows;
A flock of white egrets surge up the blue sky.
In my window is framed the snow-capped peak of Mount West.
Close by my door are moored boats from faraway Wu.
求一首杜甫英文翻译诗的中文原句葵藿(huò)倾太阳,物性固莫夺(10) 。
顾惟蝼(lóu)蚁辈,但自求其穴(11) 。
以兹误生理,独耻事干谒(gānyè)(13) 。
终愧巢与由,未能易其节(15) 。
沉饮聊自遣,放歌破愁绝(16) 。
杜甫-自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字好像不太对诶 。。不过非常感谢!!
非无江海志,潇洒送日月(7) 。
生逢尧舜君,不忍便永诀(8) 。
当今廊庙具,构厦岂云缺(9) 。
大概还得添上前三句 。
关于英语翻译和杜甫的诗Leaving Chin Chou这个对老夫而言很简单嘛!你的分数悬赏有点低哦,不过老夫还是好人,决定告诉你这个秘密 。你追加只要在5分以上,就说明你也是个好人 。
这就是著名的《发秦州》 。
乾元二年,杜甫离开甘肃秦州,前往靠近四川的同谷县去投奔朋友 。诗云:
我衰更懒拙,生事不自谋 。无食问乐土,无衣思南州 。
汉源十月交,天气凉如秋 。草木未黄落,况闻山水幽 。
栗亭名更佳,下有良田畴 。充肠多薯蓣,崖蜜亦易求 。
密竹复冬笋,清池可方舟 。虽伤旅寓远,庶遂平生游 。
此邦俯要冲,实恐人事稠 。应接非本性,登临未销忧 。
溪谷无异石,塞田始微收 。岂复慰老夫,惘然难久留 。
日色隐孤戍,乌啼满城头 。中宵驱车去,饮马寒塘流 。
磊落星月高,苍茫云雾浮 。大哉乾坤内,吾道长悠悠 。
朋友,我是学古代文学的,所以对古诗词比较懂,英语嘛,也撮合 。如果有外文回译的相关问题,也还可以问我 。
这三首翻译过来的英文分别是杜甫的哪首诗on the river 江上
江上日多雨,萧萧荆楚秋 。高风下木叶,永夜揽貂裘 。
勋业频看镜,行藏独倚楼 。时危思报主,衰谢不能休 。
I stand alone 独立
空外一鸷鸟,河间双白鸥 。
飘飖搏击便,容易往来游 。
草露亦多湿,蛛丝仍未收 。
天机近人事,独立万端忧 。
views in springtime 春望
国破山河在,城春草木深 。
感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心 。
烽火连三月,家书抵万金 。
白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪 。
诗歌的英文版 。比如李白、杜甫的诗 。长干行When my hair began to cover my forehead,
I picked flowers and played game in front of the door.
You came by riding a bamboo stick.
You rode around my seat and played with green plums.
We both lived in Chang Gan Village.
We were so innocent when we were still two little children.
At thirteen years old, I became your wife.
I had a shy expression on my face.
I lowered my head to face the dark wall.
You called me thousand times, but I did not turn back or answer.
When I was fourteen, I had an open relaxed expression on my face.
I wished we could be together until death.
We maintained perfect trust between each other.
Did I need to climb the Lookout Tower?
When I was fifteen, you went far away.
The Yan Yu Rock is near the Ju Tang Goege—Don’t crash into it in the fifth month.
The sound of the gibbons is grieving up to the sky.
The footprints on front of the gate where you lingered before you left are overgrown with green moss.
The moss is so deep that I cannot sweep it away.
The falling leaves mean that autumn wind (weather) comes early.
The butterflies of the eighth month have come.
They fly into the grass of the west garden in pairs.
It really breaks my heart. My young face is growing old because of sadness.
Whether you go down through Shan Ba early or late,
please send a letter home ahead to let me know.
I will go out to meet you when you come home.
No matter how far it is, I will go all the way to Chang Feng Sha.原文:妾发初覆额,折花门前剧 。
郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅 。
同居长干里,两小无嫌猜 。
十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开 。
低头向暗壁,千唤不一回 。
十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰 。
常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台 。
十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆 。
五月不可触,猿声天上哀 。
门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔 。