
朋友,你不必这样,换一个角度对待生活,你会发现生活也是如此多彩 。生活有如七彩之光,既有鲜活的橙,又有厚重的蓝,只要你坦然面对,它们一样会点缀着你精彩的人生 。朋友请你不妨听一听生活给我们的答案 。
当你在黄昏时分,去湖边走一走,你会发现垂钓者满面笑容,背着渔竿,手提空空的鱼桶 。也许你会惊讶,他们的笑容为何如此灿烂,噢,请你不要惊讶,他们会告诉你,他们是在享受生活,垂钓者之心不在鱼而在渔,在这里他们忘记了世俗的一切纷扰,在这里他们回归自然,放逐自我 。朋友当你看着夕阳西下,映红的晚霞照耀着金色的湖水中时,当你望着垂钓者那远去的背影时,你是否还会抱怨生活的不公呢?
“生活是美好的,你要学会发现!”这是垂钓者给我们的生活答案 。
朋友,当你在清晨时分,走出户外,呼吸那不带任何杂质的空气,你是否会感觉新的一天是如此美好呢?远处一位环卫女工在扫地,你是否会鄙夷她呢?不,请你不要鄙夷,她是在奉献生活,当她看到整洁的大道时,她会会心一笑,她同时也感受到了生活对她的回报 。朋友试着将自己从狭小的空间挣脱出来,用自己的身心去感知每一处细小的伟大,你会发现,当你为生活付出了,你会喜悦无比,这种喜悦,是世界上任何东西都无法比拟的. 。
“生活是美好的,你要学会奉献!”这是环卫女工给我们的生活答案 。
朋友,生活的答案是如此丰富多彩,不要再去抱怨,不要再迷惘,只要你用心去感知,只要你用另一种态度对待生活,晴朗阴霾,同样是一种风景;甘苦酸甜,同样是一般滋味 。请你记住,生活就如撒盐于烛,迸发出七色的火光 。
生活的答案是如此丰富多彩,朋友希望你能在生活中撑起自己的一片天空 。
LiLei and Wang Ying are two middle school students.They both work hard but they have different learning ways.
Li Lei is often tired in cla .He usually doesn?t listen to the teacher.As a result, he mies lots of points that the teachers makes.So he has to stay up late and doesn?t get enough sleep.
However ,Wang Ying listens carefully and tries to catch what the teacher says in cla.Because of this, she goes to bed early and she learns better than Li Lei.
In my opinion, Wang Ying learns better in cla and has more free time to enjoy herself, so prefer her learning way.
(1)I should thank my mother
In my life ,I?ll thank my mother forever.
My mother is busy every day, but she does all the housework in my family and works hard in her factory.When I am in trouble, she always encourages me to overcome the difficulties.When I am in trouble, she always encourages me to overcome the difficulties.When I am ill, she always looks after me carefully.In a word, not only will I thank my mother for giving me life, but also I?ll thank her for helping me, teaching,me knowledge and how to be a person.