答案中考作文怎么写?( 三 )

We can find that rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harms people ?s health.So we should not throw rubbish/litter onto the ground.Some factories are pouring waste water into the rivers, the lakes and the fields.It can pollute plants/crops.Sometimes it can kill lots of fish.
We must keep our environment clean and tidy.We just have one earth.We must try our best to protect/take good care of her, and keep our home beautiful.(94 words)
I think healthy habits are very important for us.As we know ,we must have enough food to keep us healthy.Breakfast is neceary for the busy morning.We must also have the right kind of food.Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables but le junk food.Don?t forget to wash hands before you have meals .
Staying up late at night is bad for our health .If we can?t get enough sleep, we may have a headache.We may have a headache.We should go to bed early and get up early .Of course, it?s neceary for us to take exercise.Exercise will keep us active and strong.(95 words)信件格式
65 Zhongshan streetUrumqi,830023,Xinjiang, ChinaJune,17th,2007 Dear Jim,
How are you? Many thanks for the shirt ! I?m very happy to hear from you again .I love the shirt very much, Jim.And red ismy favorite color! You remembered ! It?s just my size .Every time I wear it, I will think of you.……
Please write back soon.
Your friend,Lin Fei
June 17, Sunday,Sunny
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Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day .It is warm.All students will have no claes.We shall (will) plant trees in the park.We will meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 in the morning and go there by bike .We will have lunch there.Please bring some water and food with you .Don?t be late.
The Headmaster?s Office(校长办公室)June 17, 2007便条 (一)请假条
June 17, 2007
Dear Mrs Wang,
I?m serious ill today and can?t come cla .I ask you for sick leave of one day.Your studentZhang Lihua
(二) 留言条
9.am, June 17, 2007 Lili,
I?ll leave by train at 8:00 am.Tomorrow morning .This is to say goodbye to you.Chen Mei贺卡 To our Dear Teacher,
Happy Teachers? Day! Thank you for teaching us so well.We hope you?ll have a very happy year.Good luck! Best wishes!
Your students


“五月五,是端午,满树满街包粽忙 。”又是一年端午,这句歌谣又在我耳边响起 。我总算明白从前的答案是什么了 。
小时候,奶奶总会在端午节前买一堆食材来包粽子 。她把肉切好腌好,放到冰箱保存,把绿豆和糯米泡好 。以前,我总是不知道为什么要过端午节 。每看到奶奶的身影,我就在想;端午节是要吃粽子的,就是我那时的答案,
我总是拿着小木椅在她旁边看她包粽子 。她的手爬满了蚯蚓般的血管,又青又紫的,上面布满皱纹,指甲干裂 。但就是这样一只手好像手魔力一样,手用手把粽叶弄成一个漏斗,用勺子往里放糯米,在上面放上肉,绿豆等食材,再往上盖上一勺糯米 。用手弄成一个三角形后,拿麻绳绕上几圈,三两下就包好了一个粽子 。她一边包还一边唱着“五月五,是端午满树满街包粽忙 。"我的眼中仿佛闪着着,心里想着一个答案:奶奶喜欢包综子 。