话的启示五年级作文怎么写?( 三 )

一、看图,以“my day ”为题,写一篇短文 。(至少5句话)
i get up at 6:50 in the morning.i do morning exercises at 7:10.i go to school at 7:30.i have english cla at 10:00.i eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening.i do my homework at 7:00.i go to bed at 9:00.this is my day. 二、根据图画提示写几句话,说说你在周末经常或有时做的事情 。(至少5句话)
i usually (often) climb mountains on saturday.i visit my grandparents on saturday.i go
shopping with my mother on saturday.i play sports on sunday.i play the piano at home on sunday, too.sometimes i take pictures.i like my weekend.
三、请以“my favourite season”为题,从季节、天气、服装、事情等几方面写一篇小短文 。(至少5句话)
四、写一写,你所在或你熟悉的一个地方的四季情况 。(至少5句话)
there are four sesons in a year.i live in dongguan city.it’s warm in spring.i (we) can plant trees.it’s hot and sunny in summer.i (we) can swim in the lake (river).in fall, it’s cool and windy.i (we) can fly kite and go hiking (climb mountains) with my friends.in winter, it’s not too cold.i (we) can wear my sweater.
五、写你的生日在哪个季节哪一天,并说出季节的特点,你可以做什么活动。(至少5句话) my birthday is march 12th.it’s in spring.it’s warm.the trees are green.i can plant trees.i can fly kites.i can climb mountains with my friends.
六、请写一些你的生日是在哪个月份哪一天?在那天你经常做些什么事情,吃些什么东西,和谁在一起,心情怎样 。要求不少于五句话 。
my birthday is in june.it’s june 3rd.i often go shopping with my mother.i eat birthday cakes with my parents in the evening.i am happy on my birthday.
it’s 7:30 in the evening.everyone is at home.my father is writing an e-mail.my mother is
cooking dinner in the kitchen.my brother is doing homework in the study.my sister is watching tv with me in the living room.八、假如现在是星期天的中午,根据图片,用英语介绍你的家庭成员正在干什么 。(至少5句话)
it’s sunday noon.my mom (mother) is cooking lunch in the kitchen.my dad (father) is writing an e-mail in the study.my sister is drawing pictures.my brother is doing homework.what about me? i am watching tv in the living room.we’re busy.(we’re happy.)
it’s a funny zoo.there are many animals.the lions are fighting.the kangaroo is jumping.the monkeys are swinging.the pandas are climbing trees.they’re so cute.
十、看图,写一写动物园的情景 。动物们都在干什么呢? 十一、看图,图中人物在干什么?(至少5句话