保暖的冰屋子|神奇的冰屋 是怎样让你保暖的

保暖的冰屋子(神奇的冰屋 是怎样让你保暖的)

生活在北极圈的因纽特人,以建造冰屋而闻名世界 。这种用规格不同的雪砖垒砌而成的冰屋,漂亮又实用 。一座好的冰屋可以在一40℃的时候,保持室内温度在0℃左右 。冰屋建在开阔向阳之处,它最独特的是圆顶,那是一块块雪块按规律堆砌成的,无任何支撑结构,却坚固可靠 。为了御寒,还要在屋顶上盖一层厚厚的野草,再覆一层海豹皮 。用海兽肠子做窗户的遮蔽物,只透光而不透气,也起到御寒作用 。因纽特人世世代代居住在这样的屋子里,成为一道世界奇景 。
For thousands of years, humans, and plants and animals long before that, have been using frozen "sky water" to keep warm. which sort of doesn't make sense.
几千年来,人类,动植物都使用雪来取暖,这毫无道理 。
Because snow is cool.
因为雪是凉的 。
You might even say it's… ice cold.
甚至是说冰凉的 。
No one knows for sure who built the first igloo, but with the right fit and the right physics, snow can actually warm you better than the inside of a tauntaun.
没人确切知道谁建造了第一个冰屋,但通过合理的构造以及合理的物理,雪保暖的能力要比呆在汤汤的体内还好 。(注:汤汤是星球大战里的虚拟生物,雪地蜥蜴)
"You'll be ok, Luke"!
So, how can something cold keep you cozy?
The vast, frozen Arctic is one of the most forbidding environments on our planet, yet, the Inuit have managed to live there for about 5,000 years.
广阔的北极是地球上环境最严酷的地方,但因纽特人却设法在那里生活了大约5000年 。
Out on the pack ice, winter temperatures reach 50 degrees below zero , and when it's that cold, surviving means finding shelter.
冬天,冰面上的温度达到了零下50华氏度,在严寒的天气下,找到栖身地才能够存活下去 。
It's not an area known for its fo百思特网rests, so nomadic hunters learned to build with the only thing available: snow.
北极并没有森林,因此游牧民学会了用仅有的雪来建造房屋 。
Eskimo languages really do have dozens and dozens of different words for snow, because there are a lot of different types, and the type of snow you choose can dictate whether your igloo keeps you warm, or turns you into a Homo sapiensicle.
在爱斯基摩语中,有很多不同的词语都表示"雪",这些雪被分为不同的种类,根据雪的种类,可以推断出冰屋会为你保暖还是会将你变成"冰冻人" 。
To understand this, we need to know a little something about being cold.
为了更好地理解,我们需要了解一些关于"冷"的知识 。
When your body temperature starts to plummet – you're feeling heat leave you.
当体温开始下降时,你会感觉慢慢失去了所有热量 。
Cold can百思特网9;t move into your body – in fact, there is no such thing as cold.
寒冷并不会进入你的身体,事实上,并没有某样东西是"冷" 。
Where have I heard that before?
Oh, right!

【保暖的冰屋子|神奇的冰屋 是怎样让你保暖的】

哦,对 。
Think of heat as an actual quantity of stuff.
如果把热量当作一个有重量的物体 。
The more you give away, the colder you feel.
散失的热量越多,你就会感觉越冷 。
This trading of heat can happen three different ways: by convection, conduction, and radiation.
热量的传递通过三种方式进行:对流、传导和辐射 。
All three are at play in an igloo.
冰屋里面,热量传递的这三种方式都实现了 。
A person inside will radiate body heat, which moves around the igloo by convection, and is lost through the walls by conduction.
冰屋里面的人会辐射热量,通过对流作用,热量不断地在屋内流动,但这些热量,由于传导作用,会散发出去 。
This is exactly what happens in your house.
这就是屋内所进行的物理过程 。
Living insulation does the same thing.
保温材料就是运用的这个原理进行保温 。
Fatty tissues like blubber help stop heat transfer in whales and seals, but for animals who don't have as much junk in the trunk, they cover themselves in air.
富有油脂的东西,如鲸脂,阻止了鲸鱼和海豹之间的热量传递,但那些没有很多油脂的动物则用毛来保温 。
Sea otter fur, for example, is about a thousand times denser than human hair.
例如,海獭皮,海獭皮比人类的毛发要浓密大约一千倍 。
It's snuggly stuff.
它的毛非常舒适 。