
在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动 。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编为大家整理的.我梦想的家英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏 。
【我梦想的家英语作文写法怎么样?】My dream home is located in a small town,theres a lot of mountain around it and a small lake beside it.The sky is blue,the air is fresh and the bird is flying in the sky.
There is three room in it,a dining room,big and bright.A bedroom clean and warm.A study which is full of the book I like.
My favourite room is the study.Because I like reading very much.when reading,it seems like I am a visitor who followed the wirter to view his own world.
SO, in order to make it come true,I should study hard from now on,and I believe that there nothing is diffcult if you have a will.


刀豆文秘助手(www.daodoc.com)之My dream home 我梦
my dream home my dream home is located in a small town,there s a lot of mountain around it and a small lake beside it.the sky is blue,the air is fresh and the bird is flying in the sky.there are three rooms in it,a dining room,big and bright.a bedroom clean and warm.a study which is full of the book i like.my favourite room is the study.because i like reading very much.when reading,it seems like i am a visitor who followed the wirter to view his own world.so, in order to make it come true,i should study hard from now on,and i believe that nothing is diffcult if i have a will.
我的梦想我的梦想家位于一个小镇,有很多的山,旁边一个小湖 。天空是蓝色的,空气是新鲜的,鸟正在天空中飞翔 。有三个房间,一个餐厅,大而明亮 。卧室干净和温暖 。研究发现到处都是我喜欢的书 。我最喜欢的房间是书房 。因为我非常喜欢阅读 。当阅读时,似乎我是一个游客跟着作家写他自己的世界观 。所以,为了让美梦成真,我应该从现在开始努力学习,我相信没有什么困难,如果我有一个会 。