英文版全文( 二 )

Grandfather Cao Yin was the accompanying reader of Emperor Kangxi and the former guard of Emperor Kangxi, later Jiangning weaving.
and also the imperial envoy of salt inspection in Huaihe and Huaihe provinces. He was greatly favored by Emperor Kangxi.
In Yongzheng's six years, Cao's family was convicted of a crime of deficit and was copied. Cao Xueqin moved back to his old residence in Beijing with his family.
Later, he moved to the western suburbs of Beijing and made a living selling paintings and calligraphy and relief from friends. From then on, Cao's family became weak and declining.
After experiencing a major turning point in life, Cao Xueqin was deeply impressed by the coldness of the world and had a more sober and profound understanding of the feudal society.
He despised dignitaries, stayed away from official life and lived in poverty.
Cao Xueqin is liberal in nature and has a wide range of hobbies. He has studied stone, poetry, painting, garden, traditional Chinese medicine, weaving, mending, craftsmanship, diet and so on.
With perseverance and many years of hardship, he finally created a great work of great ideological and artistic quality, Dream of Red Mansions. In his later years, Cao Xueqin moved to the western suburbs of Beijing.
In the twenty-seventh year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, his youngest son died. He was overwhelmed with grief and grief and was bedridden. On the 28th New Year's Eve of Qianlong, he died of poverty and disease.
曹雪芹,名沾,字梦阮,号雪芹,又号芹溪、芹圃,中国古典名著《红楼梦》作者,祖籍辽宁铁岭,生于江宁,曹雪芹出身清代内务府正白旗包衣世家,他是江宁织造曹寅之孙,曹顒之子 。
曹雪芹早年在南京江宁织造府亲历了一段锦衣纨绔、富贵风流的生活。曾祖父曹玺任江宁织造;曾祖母孙氏做过康熙帝的保姆 。
祖父曹寅做过康熙帝的伴读和御前侍卫,后任江宁织造,兼任两淮巡盐监察御使,极受康熙宠信 。
雍正六年,曹家因亏空获罪被抄家,曹雪芹随家人迁回北京老宅 。后又移居北京西郊,靠卖字画和朋友救济为生 。曹家从此一蹶不振,日渐衰微 。
经历了生活中的重大转折,曹雪芹深感世态炎凉,对封建社会有了更清醒、更深刻的认识 。他蔑视权贵,远离官场,过着贫困如洗的艰难日子 。
曹雪芹素性放达,爱好广泛,对金石、诗书、绘画、园林、中医、织补、工艺、饮食等均有所研究 。
他以坚韧不拔的毅力,历经多年艰辛,终于创作出极具思想性、艺术性的伟大作品——《红楼梦》 。晚年,曹雪芹移居北京西郊 。
乾隆二十七年,幼子夭亡,他陷于过度的忧伤和悲痛,卧床不起 。乾隆二十八年除夕,因贫病无医而逝 。
求《红楼梦》英文版的TXT下载地址或是 其中全部诗词翻译也可最经典的两个版本其一译者是杨宪益和戴乃迭,a dream of red mansions,外文出版社,另一个译者是david hawks, the story of the stone,外文出版社 。下载地址俺没有 。
红楼梦英文名哪个翻译的好推荐杨宪益的 。
从事汉诗英译的国人当中,杨宪益可能真的是最好的 。杨宪益的英译之所以好,除了他有在英国留学的经历以及对多国文学的深刻感悟之外,还有一个优势就是他在翻译过程中,如果吃不准某种译法是否地道,他可以随口问坐在他右手边的戴乃迭女士 。
一般认为,杨宪益最大的翻译成就是他的《红楼梦》英译 。关於杨宪益的《红楼梦》翻译艺术,冯庆华主编的《红译艺谈》一书,尤其是其中罗平对「红诗」英译的三个章节论述已经相当全面,我在这裏只是想补充几条 。
有些专家在谈到《红楼梦》的英译本时,声称在西方社会,大卫·霍克斯译本接受度高,杨译本接受度低 。这导致国内一些不知情的人认为杨译本差,霍译本好 。这种看法是片面的 。其实,英美读者出於对自己熟悉的出版社的偏爱,很自然地就会选择非常著名的企鹅出版社的霍译本,而不是中国的外文出版社的杨译本 。在做统计工作时需要以不同的参数来计算 。由於翻译策略上的差异,即使杨译本不如霍译本好,那也不是一般意义上的好坏,而是两个优秀译本之间的差异 。
刘朝晖在美国亚利桑那州立大学对学生进行过抽样调查,分析他们对《红楼梦》杨、霍两个英译本的接受情况 。结果显示两个译本在总体上各有千秋 。杨译本偏向於直译,具有文化内涵的词语,在霍译本里被淡化或者转化,在杨译本里都照直译出,所以整体上杨译本的词汇量比霍译本要大很多 。而霍译本文字流畅,有明显的阅读快感,但他喜欢使用长句,不太适合当代读者的阅读习惯 。