
Electronic information as an engineering student, I majored in the circuit, electronic technology, communication theory, theory and application of single-chip wirele communication technology, embedded system design, as well as pC-programmable control, automation and control technology, such as a series of electronic and communications profeional courses.In the computer, I learn a computer language such as FORTRAN language, and national levels through the computer exams.In addition, I also take a multi-media technology, computer networks and communications and so on.In the learning proce, I have done a lot of experiments and curriculum design, focus on combining theory with practice, learning to use ORCAD design and production of power transformer circuit, aembly radios, pLC programmable controller design, pROTEL design single-chip system.These are for my future work to lay a solid foundation.
I am outgoing, cheerful, have good interpersonal relationships and a certain degree of organizational capacity.A serious and responsible work, and actively work hard.I am confident that the job in the future play to their talents!
If you employ, I will wholeheartedly work!
I wish your busine succe!
people put themselves forward: XXX
我是一名电子信息工程专业的毕业生 。非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间,阅读我这份自荐材料,给我一次迈向成功的机会 。
大学三年转眼即过,我满怀希望地走进社会这个更加博大的课堂 。当今世界充满着竞争,充满着挑战,也充满了机遇 。我希望能从贵公司得到一个机遇,一个舞台,用我所学去服务公司,服务社会 。
大学期间,本着严谨求学的态度,在学习中我注重实际能力的培养,把专业知识与实践相结合,积极主动地参加各种社会活动,将我所学用于实践,不断增强自己的工作能力,为今后开展各项工作打下坚实的基础 。在英语方面,我通过了国家英语四六级考试,具备良好的听,说,写,译的能力 。在计算机方面,我广泛地学习计算机软,硬件方面的知识,能熟练地运用Windows98/20xx,Office20xx等软件,并通过了国家计算机二级考试,同时对Internet有一定的了解,能够有效地利用互联网资源 。
怀着自信我向您推荐自己,如果有幸成为贵公司的一员,我愿从小做起,从现在做起,虚心尽责,勤奋工作,在实践中不断学习,发挥自己的主动性,创造性,竭力为公司的发展添一份光彩 。
最后,再次感谢您阅读此信,期待着您的早日答复 。愿贵单位兴旺发达!


我是xx学院xx0届毕业生xx,自从进入大学之后,高考后的'轻松,到学校后的兴奋,因为我得从新开始,继续努力奋斗,迎接新的挑战 。大学是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年 。惠于学校浓厚的学习、创新氛围,熔融其中的我成为了一名复合型人才 。时光飞逝,我将怀着我童年的梦想、青年的理想离开我的母校,走上工作岗位 。