
在做题时要保持清醒的头脑 , 如果发现从重复的内容中找不到答案 , 就要立刻回忆 , 从上下文中去寻找正确答案 。下面就来具体说说如何搞定托福听力重听题 , 可别错过了 。
托福听力考试中有一项就是重听题 , 它主要是把音频中的某一小部分内容进行重听并设置相应考点 , 这一项可谓是难倒了不少同学 , 明明听完了但是却没有丝毫印象 , 今天就来和大家来会会重听题 , 看看如何能准确定位并抓住重听题的考点:
首先 , 重听题常见的提问方式有以下几种:
Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question.What does the professor mean when she says this What does the professor/ student indicate/ mean when he says this
1. 问答
出现问答说明谈话一方有疑问或是老师考查学生 , 答句经常作为重听题考点 。
例:Student: You mean insulated windows The kind with multiple layers of glass and gas between each layer Professor: As I mentioned earlier, this facility sets the standard. That’s old technology.
学生问是否采用insulated windows , 老师的回答进行了否定 , 说明该建筑采用了其他更好更新的技术 , 注意老师的答话 。
2. 特殊语气
重听题的考察点在于听出教授的“言外之意 , 弦外之音” 。
【如何搞定托福听力重听题】所以在此题题型中 , 语气词很关键 , 考生在听到Oh/Wow或是语气语调加强的时候 , 就要注意 , 特别是加重读音以及拖读音时 , 比如Really I can’t believe I didn’t know that 。
这类语调就表达出了说话人的惊讶的情绪 , 在听到这样的表达时建议大家可以采用“!”等特殊符号做好笔记记录 。
当然除了这种语气 , 大家有时也会碰到别的无奈 , 犹豫 , 有点嘲笑或伤心的表达 , 具体哪种要大家根据语气仔细判断 。
TPO 47 Feedback On An AssignmentsStu: So, um, what else is a review supposed to do Pro: WELL. It should also analyze the film, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, maybe compare it to other movies, even mention why the reviewer did or didn’t like it.
教授此处的well就是给学生在做电影评论的学期作业时提出的建议和方向指引 。
3. 特殊表达
从ETS官方对重听题的设置来看 , 除了考察考生对说话人语气的把握 , 有些重听题会考察考生对于一些特殊表达的熟悉度 。所以建议大家在碰到类似这样的表达可以进行积累 。
Advisor: But if there is that much dpand, isn’t there a chance they will open an additional section of Intermediate Chinese Is there a language coordinator you can talk to