傲慢与偏见读书笔记怎么写?( 五 )

It’s obvious that Elizabeth and Darcy are distant from each other because of their prejudice.The series of events which they both
experienced give them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other.Thus, their mutual
understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage.This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of knowing one\\'s partner before marriage.Moreover, despite the difference in social position, wealth, they give priority to their emotions and choose to follow their intrinsic feelings.They put away earthy prejudice and give no thoughts to external conditions.All these ensure a succeful marriage.In contrast, the
marriage of Carroline and Mr.Collins can never be a happy one because it is based on economics rather than emotion.And Lydia and Wickham\\'s marriage is an example of bad marriage because it based on superficial qualities which are sure to fade away with the paage of time.
In present-day society, though we lay le emphasis on economic elements, status and appearance, we are easily induced by them when considering a marriage.Often we neglect the purist feeling and choose to yield to money, rank or public opinions.We may even select our spouse in hasty, knowing little about his true character.All such behaviors will lead to an unsatisfying marriage later.Taking all these into consideration,
I come to the conclusion that we should always put emotion first and be responsible for our selection.


在《傲慢与偏见》中写了四桩婚姻,女主人翁简和伊丽莎白正如现在的电视剧剧情一样,先苦后甜,她们没有办法选择自己的家庭和出身,但是却能博得有钱绅士的宠爱 。简的大方得体,宽容忍让使她拥有了和宾利这一份美满的婚姻 。而她的妹妹伊丽莎白却用自己的冷静、聪明与理智赢得了达西的真爱 。她们有一个共同的爱情观就是:做什么都可以,没有爱情千万不要结婚 。正如书中一开场就说到的那样:一个家财万贯的单身汉,必定需要一位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理 。宾利和达西这两个家财万贯的男人再次把这一真理诠释的淋漓尽致 。
在这四桩婚姻中还有一桩很不被大家称赞的婚姻,这也和那两姐妹的爱情观完全不同的卢卡斯,她既不看中男人,也不看中夫妻生活,结婚只是她人生的目标 。同样她也会被我们这些人看作她也拥有一段幸福婚姻 。在我们的生活中,人们看到的往往是表面现象,正如卢卡斯和他的爱人一样,相互间没有感情,只有夫妻间的彬彬有礼,尽管如此他们的生活也正如别人所看到的那样,和谐、幸福、美满,但这其中只有他们自己才知道真正的滋味 。