王尔德名言如何写?( 三 )

38.The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.公众惊人地宽容 。他们可以原谅一切,除了天才 。
39.A poet can survive everything but a misprint.诗人可以从任何事件中存活,印刷错误除外 。
40.Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.人是理性动物,但当他被要求按照理性的要求行动时,可又要发脾气了 。
41.Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.格言是智慧耐用的替代品 。
42.Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not.注意穿着打扮是必要的 。而拥有生活目标却并非如此 。
【王尔德名言如何写?】43.Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.适度是极其致命的事情 。过度带来的成功是无可比拟的 。
44.Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.每个圣人都有过去,每个罪人都有未来 。
45.Only the shallow know themselves.只有浅薄的人才了解自己 。
46.When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing ones self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance.爱,始于自我欺骗,终于欺骗他人 。这就是所谓的浪漫 。
47.No man is rich enough to buy back his own past.没有人富有到可以赎回自己的过去 。
48.No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist.伟大的艺术家所看到的,从来都不是世界的本来面目 。一旦他看透了,他就不再是艺术家 。
49.The truth is rarely pure and never simple.——The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)真相很少纯粹,也决不简单 。——《不可儿嬉》
50.All charming people, I fancy, are spoiled. It is the secret of their attraction我想所有迷人的人都是被宠爱着的,这是他们吸引力来源的秘密 。
51.When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers当神想惩罚我们时,他们就回应我们的祈祷 。《一个理想的丈夫》
52.It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution给我们赦免的,是忏悔而不是牧师 。
53.A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.梦想家只能在月光下找到前进的方向,他为此遭受的惩罚是比所有人提前看到曙光 。
54.We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.我们都生活在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空 。
55.I like men who have a future and women who have a past我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人 。
56.Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others邪恶是善良的人们编造的谎言,用来解释其他人的特殊魅力 。
57.The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕,那就是没有人议论你 。