
Part 1 开始上课

    All present? 同学们都到齐了吗?
    Anybody absent? 有缺席的同学吗?
    Listen up, class. 同学们请注意听 。
    May I have your attention, please? 请注意听,好吗?
    Let's get started. 让我们开始上课吧 。
    Let me call the roll. 现在点名 。
    Please hurry up and sit down. 请赶快回到座位上坐好 。
    Listen up, boys and girls. 孩子们请注意听 。
    Let's begin. 让我们开始上课吧 。
10.Let's start right now. 我们现在开始吧 。

教师口语Part 2 课堂问候
    Hello,everybody. 大家好 。
    Good morning, everyone. 早上好,同学们 。
    Hi,boys and girls. 同学们好 。
    Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你们 。
    Glad to see you. 很高兴见到你们 。
    I am pleased to see you. 我很高兴见到你们 。
    Welcome back. How was your holiday? 欢迎回来 。假期过得怎么样?
    What’s the matter with Zhao Wei? 赵伟怎么了?
    How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?
10.Welcome back from the holiday. 欢迎假期后归来 。

Part 3 基本课堂控制指令
    Class begins. 上课!
    Now please open your books and turn to page 36 现在请打开书翻到36页 。
    Do what I do. 跟着我做 。
    Follow me. 跟着我说(读) 。
    After me. 跟我读(说)
    Repeat after me. 跟我读(说) 。
    All eyes on me. 看着我 。
    Listen to me, please. 请听我说
    Silence please. 请安静 。
10.Be quiet. 请安静 。
11.Everyone!Once again. 全班再来一遍 。
12.Now listen to me carefully. 认真听我讲 。
13.Group 2 and 3 , again. 2组和3组再来一遍 。
13.Ready? Repeat ! All together! 准备好了吗?大家一起重复一遍 。
14.Raise your hand. 把手举起来 。

教师口语Part 4 教师自我介绍
    Let me introduce myself. 让我来介绍一下自己 。
    I’ll introduce myself. 我来介绍一下自己 。
    I’m your new English teacher. 我是你们的新英语老师 。
    Good morning, class. I’m Fred, your new English teacher. 同学们早上好,我叫Fred,你们的新英语老师 。
    Before the lessons, let me introduce myself first. I come from…… . I graduated from Shandong Teacher’s University last year. 上课前,首先让我来介绍一下自己 。我来自……,我去年毕业于山东师范大学 。
    Hello, class. I’m Fred, your new teacher. Nice to see you all. 同学们好,我是Fred,你们的新老师,很高兴见到大家 。
    I will write my name on the blackboard. Here’s my name. 我会把自己的名字写在黑板上 。这是我的名字 。
    First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you. 首先,我想介绍一下我自己 。
9.My name is Fred. I will teach you English from now on. 我叫Fred. 从现在起我教大家英语 。
10. You can call me Fred. 你可以叫我Fred.
11.百思特网Please call me Ms. Li. 请叫我李老师
12.I will try my best to help you enjoy learning English. 我会努力让大家喜欢学习英语 。
13.I’m going to be your English teacher this term. 这学期我将是你们的英语老师 。

教师口语 Part 5 评价学生常用语
    Great 很好 。
    Good idea. 好百思特网想法 。
    A good job. 很好 。
    Right/Correct. 正确
    Pretty good! 太好了!
    That’s it. 就是这样 。
    Exactly . 很准确 。
    Quite right. 十分正确 。
    Great work today. 今天表现的很好 。
10.Well done. 很棒 。
11.Excellent! 太精彩了 。
12.Perfect! 完美!
13.Everyone did great today. 大家今天表现的都很好 。
14.You make me proud. 我以你(你们)为荣 。
15.Terrific. 对极了 。
16.That’s good. 很好 。
17.That’s funny. 很有趣 。
18.You make me proud. 我以你为荣 。
19.Sounds good. 听起来不错 。
20.You’re getting better. 你表现的越来越好了 。
21.You did great today. 你(你们)今天太棒了 。

教师口语Part 6 起英文名字
    Do you all have English names? 你们都有英文名字吗?
    Don’t worry, you’ll get one. 担心 。你会有英文名字的 。
    Please tell me your firs别t name. 请告诉我你的名字 。