送别同学的现代诗( 二 )

Your sympathy has brought us great comfort.你的慰问给出我带来了莫大的安慰 。
Your sympathy and kindness will always be remembered.你的慰问和关心,我将永铭在心 。
With many, many thanks for all your heartfelt sympathy.对你发自内心的同情,致以万分感谢 。


I want you to know how much I sympathize with you and your family.谨向你和你的家人表示最深切的慰问 。
How deeply we feel for you in your sorrow.在你非伤的时刻,我们对你深表同情 。
With thanks from the family to tell you that your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated. 我们全家对你的诚挚慰问深表谢意 。
I can't tell you how sorry I am.我无法表达我难过的心情 。
There are no words that can be a comfort to you now.现在没有什么语言能给你带来安慰 。
blue 贺卡贺言 - 致谢用语 At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments. 首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候 。
Your kindness means so much.你的关心铭记在心 。
Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy.你的无微不至的关怀给了我很大的欣慰 。
It is generous of you to show me so much consideration.承蒙你对我如此关心 。
Believe me, I am truly grateful for your good understanding.对你们的理解,我确实真诚地表示感谢 。
It is at time like this that one really appreciates the kindness of a friend. 只有在这样的时刻,一个人才会真正领会到朋友的深情厚意 。
I'm really indebted to you.我非常感谢你 。
I am greatly indebted to you for the trouble you have gone.你为我的事不辞辛劳,我感谢不尽 。
It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work.承蒙你对我的工作如此操心 。
I realize that the task took a lot of your precious time.我知道你为这事花了大量宝贵的时间 。
We were delighted to receive your gifts.我们高兴地收到了你的礼物 。
Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even greater joy. 盼望中的礼物固然可喜,而意外的礼物更使人喜出望外 。
A thousand thanks for your frequent letter of encouraging advice.万分感谢你经常来信给我以鼓励和忠告 。
It was good of you to send us an announcement of your marriage. 收到你们寄来的婚丧嫁娶礼喜帖,感谢你们的盛意 。
This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again. 再次感谢你的盛情款待,非常希望能再见你 。
It's a pleasure to know special people like you who bring so much pleasure with things that they do. 很高兴认识你这样一位以诚待人的朋友 。
Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated非常感谢你无微不至的关怀 。
Thank you very much for your warm letter.感谢你热情洋溢的来信 。
Many thanks for remembering our anniversary and for your very kind remarks. 承蒙你能记得我们的结婚周年,并赐以美好的祝辞 。
非常感谢! Your letter of congratulations gives me a great deal of pleasure.你的贺信带给我莫大的欢乐 。
Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.你的贺信使我非常感激 。
Thank you for your generous spirit of cooperation.感谢你的慷慨合作精神 。
Thank you for doing me a real ...
同学离别时表达还会重逢的诗词有 此类诗词有: 1.待到重阳日,还来就菊花 。
这是一首田园,描写农家恬静闲适的生活情景,也写老朋友的情谊 。
2.飞云倚岫心常在,明月沉潭影不流 。
明月有情应识我,年年相见在他乡 。
这首诗描写了和友人的友谊,以及重逢时的心情 。
3.与君离别意,同是宦游人 。
海内存知己,天涯若比邻 。
此诗是送别诗的名作,高度地概括了“友情深厚,江山难阻”的情景,尾联点出“送”的主题 最推荐的一种:正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君 推荐理由: 这句话诗词你可以修改修改拿去用...
描写好友离别的诗句 古诗大全 关于离别的诗句1、人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月 。
____欧阳修《玉楼春·尊前拟把归期说》 2、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人 。
____李白《南陵别儿童入京》 3、多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节!____柳永《雨霖铃·寒蝉凄切》 4、莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君 。
____高适《别董大二首》 5、月有盈亏花有开谢,想人生最苦离别 。
____张鸣善《普天乐·咏世》 6、衰兰送客咸阳道 。
天若有情天亦老 。
____贺铸《行路难·缚虎手》 7、独自莫凭栏,无限江山,别时容易见时难 。
____李煜《浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺》 8、曾与美人桥上别,恨无消息到今朝 。