
Article 15.Force Majeure
Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of the due to Acts of God, Governmet orders or restriction or any other events which could not be predicted at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement and could not be controlled,avoided or overcome by the parties.Hovever, the party effected by the Event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in Written as soon as poible.
Article 16.Trade Terms and Governing Law
The trade terms under this Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the provisions of 1990 Incoterms and this Agreement shall be governed as to all matters including valitity,construction,and preformance under the laws of Peoples Republic of China.
Article 17.Arbitration:
All disputes arising from the performance of the Agreement should be settled through friendly negotiations.Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commiion(Beijing) and the rules of this Commiion shall be applied.The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.The Arbitration fee shall be born by the losing party unle otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.
WITNESS THEREOF: This Agreement shall come into effect immediately after it is signed by boty parties in two original copies;each party holds one copy.
A.B.C Corp.X.Y.Z.Corp.
BY____________ BY____________
国际销售代理协议是国际贸易代理协议的一种 。国际销售代理协议是一国的委托人与另一国的代理人之间签订的明确有关与销售的代理权限规定相互权利义务的书面文件 。
代理是代理人按照被代理人的授权,代表本人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法律行为,由此而产生的权利与义务直接对委托人发生效力的一种法律制度 。在当今的国际贸易中,代理制度的应用很广而且起到了重要的作用 。这种国际贸易代理是商业代理,而非一般的民事代理 。
在国际销售代理中,对销售代理有不同的分类,如依其代理权限大小划分,可将销售代理商分为总代理商、独家代理商和一般代理商,如依其有无代卖方订立合同的权利划分,可划分为缔约代理商和媒介代理商 。
国际销售代理协议的标题首先要明确标明这是代理协议,而非经销协议,而且同时要标明是独家代理或总代理,一般代理,从而明确协议的性质 。
在我国实践中,通常有两种做法,一种就是代理仅是推销商品,代理商从中周旋,买卖双方直接订立合同,而代理商吸取一定佣金,这可以说是一种独家媒介代理 。另一种是我方与外国代理商直接签订合同并确认代理权,这种代理商既为买方,又为代理 。