我爱阅读作文怎么写?( 五 )

读书能让我明白事理 。《千字文》让我明白了我们要尊敬长辈,做一个品行好的人,还告诉我们仪容举止要沉静、安详,言语措辞要稳重,才显得从容沉静 。
高尔基先生说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯 。”我们只有多读书,读好书,才能取得进步,实现人生理想 。


我喜欢看有趣的漫画书、充满惊奇的探险故事、背后有恐怖真相的侦探小说,以及好笑的故事书等 。几乎每一类的书,我都喜欢看喔!只要你专心的去读一本书,你就知道书的奇妙故事啰!要记得,凡事都要细心的去做,才会有异想不到的结果 。
读书可以让我有更广大的想像空间,也可以让我增广见闻,在读书时,我总是看得津津有味,快快乐乐的享受看书的乐趣 。阅读还可以知道写作的方法,怎么擅用词句,也可以让我们学到许多丰富的道理,我觉得书有如一个广大又多采多姿的幻想世界 。


I Love composition
It was the first year I went to the Female Normal University ,the Chinese teacher told us ,\\'\\'you are undergraduate students now, you can draft the title yourself,you should hand in at least seven or eight articles,the more the better ,however,there is a requirement that is every piece is good article and you can\\'t slight over.\\'\\'
"Teacher ,how could I do if i am incapable to do it ?"a clamate whose name is unknown to others asked suddenly.
"How could pa into the university if you don\\'t have ability to write it ?your article should have been written through long since middle school days,you come to the university ,i just want you to do the further research.To write a good article depends on your own strive ,I am helplene."
"Teacher is too polite",it is another clamate\\'s low voice."Teacher,is our article written in cla or after cla?",this fool question was asked me,a country girl,I didn\\'t feel embarraed when some student looked at me and think their laugh is redundant.
"It all depends on yourself,you could do it here if you like write article in cla,to write your favourite theme,I should go now."
When seeing the sight his back disappearing at the corner of the corridor,thereupon,two third of us clamates followed him,one student siting in my right hand asked me silently.