我爱阅读作文怎么写?( 六 )

"what\\'s your title?" "Mother\\'s Looking Forward to Her Not Returning Son."I answered herwithout a hesitate.
"Is this a novel?" "No! It is a lyrical eay."I was really cheerful for the first advantage of being a undergraduate student is that you have many freedom such as composition.I remembered when I was in the middle school the most nerve-racking thing is that the Chinese teacher would not give us the topic until the composition cla was coming .if he gave us two or three topics, you can choose it yourself,however , sometimes,he only gave us one like If You Review What You Have Learned You Can Get Something New;Every Citizen Has the Responsibility For the Destiny of a Country ;The Feeling on National Day.This king of topic made me have a headache when I see it.I like teacher let us know the the topic several days before the cla.I preferred the topic such as lyrical,descriptive and narrative to argumentative ones because our enthusiastic teenagers are keen on this kind of articles and also like to write their own affection,thoughts as well as life.Only in this way can we write a
good composition.If we are forced to pre some hollow and empty theory in our head,we can\\'t write a good article and it is a kind of invisible mental abuse to these students.In my school days,I love to write what I like the best,later ,when I became a teacher,I kept this maxim in my mind deeply that"Don\\'t do what you don\\'t like to others",I never hurt their brain.Sometimes , I gave them 20 or 30 topic to choose,I would let them to decide their topic on their appetite.Occasional,they also let me modificate their love letters,to tell the truth ,it was more fluently than their usual composition.
As mentioned before,what made me happiest is that I had the freedom of writing after I became a undergraduate student .I had a tough time during this period of time, both poor and busy.I was too poor to take streetcar and busy in correcting the paper and preparing leons,however,I still can\\'t finish my work.When I was a freshman at the university,I teach Chinese at two middle school claes.It was too risky for me , acountry girl just step out of the middle school ,to teach those tall and big northern youth,it no wonder that they would call me "children sir".


阅读,能陶悦人的情操,愉悦人的身心,对于我来说阅读乃人生之大乐也 。
爱上阅读那是小学四年级的事情了,由于那时学校太拮据了、穷困所以连个小图书馆都没有,所以那时候阅读变得遥不可及,何况那时候即使有本书也不会看天天想着玩,但是《优秀女孩》这本书却带我走上了阅读的道路 。
记得那时候看见校长从对面徐徐走来,要知道那时候我可是顽皮大王,况且校长又是我的语文老师,所以啊一个邪恶的思想便油然而生,“要不去校长那坑本书吧,嘻嘻” 一步跨到已走到我面强的校长,双手张开笑嘻嘻的说“此路是我开,此树是我栽,要想从此过,留下买路财” ,这可把校长弄得不知所措,于是我灵机一动说:“要不给我本书吧,如何” ,“没问题”校长慷慨答到,要知道的是校长对于我们看书可是毫不吝啬的 。于是《优秀女孩》这本书便被我收入囊中了 。