岳麓山诗词选 pdf( 二 )

我发实从近年白 , 此山犹似旧时青 。
读书充友今何在 , 古木秋深爱晚亭 。
李宁禄 书 五律 程颂万 凭阑不知晓 , 钟罄堕空冥 。
一雨悬江白 , 孤城隔岸青 。
寻碑遗北海 , 濯剑想江溟 。
此夕不能寐 , 无风吹客醒 。
王友智 书 游岳麓 罗源汉 十年风雨契名山 , 挈伴寻游一解颜 。
竞日羊肠穿积雪 , 中天鸟迹锁苔斑 。
秋清水落三洲出 , 城远鳞铺半壁环 。
千里望衡先望麓 , 相将七二数云鬟。
王孟林 书 宿岳麓寺 魏源 经旬偶闭关 , 关耸白云间 。
月树影弧寺 , 风泉声众山 。
桃逢开士晤 , 鹤似老僧闲 。
爱晚亭前立 , 微闻双澜潺 。
王超尘书 与钱太守诸公游岳麓 李东阳 岳衡地蟠三百里 , 群峰将断复崔嵬 。
岩间古刹依山转 , 谷口晴云满树来 。
北海书存谁问价 , 少陵诗罢独怜才 。
扁舟已谢长江险 , 又是匆匆一度回 。
谭秉言书 望岳麓 杨基 我为长沙客 , 不醉长沙酒 。
为爱岳麓山 , 系舟城边柳 。
峰峦一何秀 , 膏沐春雨后 。
蛾绿净洗妆 , 方知朱铅丑 。
所嗟山中寺 , 颓圯想已久 。
嶙峋北海碑 , 千载独不朽 。
信为神灵惜 , 长使山鬼守 。
褰衣欲访古 , 日落辰在酉 。
荒烟乌鹊喧 , 竹密虎兕吼 。
老眼念后期 , 未知重来否 。
形容岳麓山美景诗句展开全部 岳麓山海拔300.8米 , 是南岳衡山72峰之一 , 在国家AAAAA(5A)级旅游景区岳麓山-橘子洲旅游景区内 , 是国家级重点风景名胜区 。
也是中国四大赏枫胜地之一 。
岳麓山位于古城长沙湘江西岸 , 为城市山岳型风景名胜区 。
已开放的景区有麓山景区、橘子洲景区 。
其中麓山景区系核心景区 , 景区内有岳麓书院、爱晚亭、麓山寺、云麓宫、新民学会旧址景点等 。
形容岳麓山的美景的诗句很多 , 如:《山行》杜牧 远上寒山石径斜 ,  白云生处有人家 。
停车坐爱枫林晚 , 霜叶红于二月花 。
岳麓山道林二寺行 唐 杜甫 玉泉之南麓山殊 , 道林林壑争盘纡 。
《岳麓爱晚亭》 清 欧阳厚基 一亭幽绝费平章 , 峡口清风赠晚凉 。
前度桃花斗红紫 , 今来枫叶染丹黄 。
《沁园春长沙》毛泽东 独立寒秋 , 湘江北去 , 橘子洲头 。
看万山红遍 , 层林尽染 , 漫江碧透 , 百舸争流 。
用英文介绍岳麓山(带中文)展开全部 Yuelu MountainIt lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly composed of Lushan Mountain and the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and comfortable. The main peak in 300 meters high. It lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly composed of Lushan Mountain and the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and comfortable. The main peak in 300 meters high.Yuelu Mountain is composed of natural scenery and personnel landscape. The natural scenery is strange, quiet, treasure and beautiful. In the landscape there are several thousand kinds of plants, among which there are a lot of famous and rare plants such as privet, ginkgo, camphor, spinulose tree, quassia, sweet gum, Chinese honey locustbladder catchfly. Besides, there are a lot of famous and rare birds and animals such as babbler, loriot, cuckoo, owl, woodpecker, parrot and fox, goat, pheasant. Yuelu Mountain is one of Eight Attractions in Xiaoxiang.Yuelu Mountain has brilliant personnel landscape. For example, the poem written by Du Mu, "Stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February."There are a lot of scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain such as Qingfeng gorge, Aiwan Pavilion, Lushan Temple, Yunlu Palace, White Crane Spring and Flying Stone.Qingfeng Gorge lies in the low place Between Yuelu Academy and Lushan Temple, where the scenery is quite beautiful. In it there are Aiwan Pavilion. Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Gorge and was built in A.D.1792. Its original name is Red Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed the name. Mao Zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period and the remaining tablet was written by Mao Zedong in the 50s. It was supported by four red poles. There is a tablet with the poem, "Qinyuanchun-Changsha" written by Mao Zedong.The history of activities for Taoism in Yuelu Mountain is quite long. And Yuelu Palace was built in A.D.1478, the region has been as the activity center of Taoism since then.Yuelu Mountain has a lot of attractions and very pretty thus it is the good place for tourists. 岳麓山在长沙市区之西 , 东临湘江 , 面积约8平方公里 , 古人赞誉其“碧嶂屏开 , 秀如琢珠” 。