respect your company leadership:
how do you do!
i am the graduated from xx university students majoring in communication, name called xx.
【应聘记者面试自我介绍怎么写?】in the four years in the university, i laid a solid professional theory foundation, has the good learning ability, teamwork spirit, practical style. serious study and communication professional knowledge theory, reading a lot of relevant books and communication, and the other has made the english four levels, the computer level certificate.
i pay attention to the combination of theory with pract爱上ice, be in so many times during winter and summer vacation to participate in social practice, has been used in times of xx and xx radio and television stations practice, to participate in some news purchasing& cataloguing work, able to learn in the school of journalism theories knowledge flexibly to specific work, familiar with basic news editing process, basic mastered editing machine operation method for the leader and colleague consistent affirmative. usually also taught himself flash, authorware software and web pages of the basic operation, familiar with office, wps office automation software.
i have a warm friendly, live wave cheerful, has the enterprising spirit and the team spirit, strong writing ability. personal interest is extensive, likes all kinds of sports activities, such as table tennis, basketball, badminton, etc. like reading, movies, music, travel, photography, dream to become a professional photographer, like reading all kinds of newspapers and magazines, more attention to the knowledge of the news media.
大家好!我叫xxx,毕业于xxx传播学院播音与主持艺术专业 。我的特长是新闻播音、主持、演讲 。我应聘的岗位是采访人员 。
在过去的一年里,上半年,我曾在商报文体中心、人民广播电台经济生活频道实习,并很荣幸作为特邀主持人主持了聊城广播经济生活频道与市人民广播电台经济文艺台联合直播的《大拜年齐鲁一家亲》春节特别节目;下半年,在电视台社教节目中心《大旅游》栏目任策划与撰稿 。
记得作家柳青说过这样一句话,“人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处往往只有几步,特别是当人年青的时候” 。今天,在我人生的紧要处,还望在座的各位领导老师,给我一个机会 。我愿把我的身心,我的全部青春与智慧,奉献给为商海服务的电视台商务频道,奋力为经济改革大潮推波助澜 。
自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否 。自我介绍不仅仅是展示自己的手段,同时,也是认识自我的手段 。古人云:“知人者智,知己者明”,常言道:“旁观者清,当局者迷”,可见,要想认识自我,给自己一个准确的定位不是一件容易的事情,而通过写自我介绍,会对自己进行一个有意识的梳理 。
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