如何与他人相处英语作文怎么写?( 二 )

追求快乐是每个人的天性 , 但经历苦难也是人生的必然 。笑对人生 , 是一种超然的心态 , 更是一种凌驾于命运之上的气度 。任大雨滂沱﹑道路崎岖 , 我自勇往直前 。笑对人生 , 是一种勇气 , 更是一种淡泊 。保持一颗平静﹑平静之心 , “荣辱不惊 , 看庭前花开花落;去留无意 , 望天空云卷云舒 。”这本《再苦也要笑一笑大全集》从“学会接受”﹑“学会应对”﹑“学会解脱”﹑“学会调节”﹑“学会行动”﹑“学会珍惜”﹑“学会快乐”七个方面阐述了如何面对并走出人生的困境;如何在苦难中成长 , 学会应对人生旅途中不断出现的挫折;如何在逆境中奋起 , 战胜痛苦与不幸 , 找到快乐的方法 , 以及如何学会享受生命 , 珍惜你所拥有的一切 。阅读本书 , 将使你在辛勤耕耘之时﹑在遭遇磨难之际﹑在厄运降临之后 , 能够笑着面对生活 , 不抱怨生活中有太多的曲折﹑不公和磨难 , 感谢折磨你的人 , 感谢折磨你的事 。当你走过世间的繁华 , 阅尽世事 , 你就会幡然明白:人生总会有不圆满 , 再苦也要笑一笑 。
How to Get Along With Your Roommates?
For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with roommates, before university, they live with parents, so they don’t have the experience to live with others. It is a new thing for them, students have to learn to live with their roommates, it is hard for them to create a harmonious environment.
对于很多大学生来说 , 他们接触到的第一件事就是和室友同住 , 在大学以前 , 他们和父母住 , 因此他们没有和别人住在一起的经验 。这对于他们来说是新鲜的事 , 学生不得不和他们的室友住在一起 , 创造一个和谐的环境是很困难的 。
The first thing to get along with roommates is to communicate. Communication is a key word for them, if roommates don’t talk to each other, then they don’t understand each other, when comes to the argument, the situation becomes worse. So students should communicate with roommates often, get to know them.
和室友相处的的第一件事就是交流 。交流是一个关键词 , 如果室友间不互相交流 , 他们就彼此不了解 , 当发生争吵时 , 情况就会变得更糟糕 。因此学生应该经常和室友交流 , 彼此了解 。
The second thing is to be considerate. Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer late, then you have to make some sacrifice, you need to sleep early tonight, for not to disturb your roommate. Doing this will make your roommate moved, they will be considerate for you, too. If you are in trouble, they will come to help.