我心中的校园风景线作文范文有没有?( 三 )

文化长廊除了这些画 , 还有许多吧!比如:有些同学在做各种运动;有些同学在过马路走斑马线;还有一个小男孩捡到一个钱包 , 他拾金不昧的把钱包还给失主······
我们学校的文化长廊是个好地方 , 如果你来到我的学校 , 一定要来看看学校的文化长廊 。
The Scenery of Our School in My Heart
My schoolyard is a beautiful place, which lies Wenchang Street in Qujing.There is a space in our school, the cultural corridor which is 30 meters long on the west wall in our school, it makes me increase my knowledge.This cultural corridor is colorful and rich in content.When you stand in front of the cultural corridor, you would see that some ethnic minorities are dancing first.What graceful dance they are! All of these deeply attracted me.Seeing the picture, I seem to watch 56 nationalities are singing and dancing with their festival costumes.
Then you will see that two pupils are fertilizing and watering for a young tree.There is a boy preparing to earth up for the tree with a shovel and a girl preparing to water the tree with a bucket.I find that the tree in the picture has grown green leaves.Seeing this picture, I seem to see a lot of big trees are growing on a bare land.Therefore, I think we shouldn’t cut down forests.
Next you can see an astronaut travels to the outer space in a spacecraft.There are satellites, the moon, the sun and so on.The sun looks like a huge ball of fire and the moon looks like a big silver plate.Seeing the picture, I seem to see that China is becoming more and more strong in the future.
Besides these pictures, there are many interesting pictures in the cultural corridor.For example, some students are doing all kinds of sports, some pupils are croing the road at the zebra croing, and a boy is returning a purse he picked up to the owner…
The cultural corridor in our school is a meaningful place.If you come to our school, you should visit our cultural corridor.


朋友 , 让我带你去看看我心中的校园风景线吧!它就是我们学校的操场 。
操场四周花坛里的花开了 。那一朵朵丁香花 , 洁白无瑕 , 像一位位身穿白纱裙的含羞的小姑娘 。那些迎接着春天的花 , 颜色各异:有红的、黄的、白的……铜钱大小的花瓣 , 细嫩光滑;那一束束玫瑰花 , 粉嫩嫩的 , 花蕊细而黄 。上面有一根根绒毛 , 释放出一阵阵清香 , 让人心旷神怡 。风伯伯轻轻地吹了口气 , 群花们便翩翩起舞 。整个校园都沉浸在这迷人的香气当中;花坛两旁的
一排排杨树 , 嫩绿的叶子 , 挺直的树干 , 像一个个钢铁卫士守护者校园……
校园的春天色彩缤纷但校园的操场更加充满活力 , 给我们带来无穷的乐趣 。学校的操场是用塑胶铺成的 , 这里一块绿色 , 那里一块黄色 , 这里……像是神奇的童话世界 。“丁零零”下课了 , 同学们像离弦的箭似的飞出教室 。来到操场上 , 同学们这里一群 , 那里一伙 , 你看那打乒乓球的同学 , 只见大哥哥来了一个旋风球 , 大姐姐回了一个低球 , 没有过网……打了几个回合 , 不分胜负 。操场上到处充满快乐 , 难道你不喜欢吗?