乡镇中心学校集体备课活动发言稿范文有没有?( 二 )

第三步:快速阅读Part1.和Part2 , 并完成相对应的练习 。
Scan this part1 and complete the sentences.
1.When Frankenstein studies at university, he ____________________________.
2.He creates the monster by_________________________________________.
3.The monster is like a human being because__________________________
4.The scientist decides to destroy his creator because __________________
5.At last, ___________________________________.
Answers: 1.discovers the secrets of how to give life to a lifele matter
2.using bones from a dead body
3.it has learnt to speak, is intelligent and has human emotions
4.the monster murders his brother, his best friend and his wife.
5.the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life.
Part 2: Extract from Frankenstein.
Give the right order.
a.Frankenstein had worked for nearly two years with one aim only to give life to a lifele body.
b.Frankenstein threw himself on the bed in clothes and had terrible dreams.
c.He ran out of the room and hid in the garden, regretting what he had done.
d.The monster opened his eyes and came to the world.
e.His fiancée appeared in his dream.
f.The monster stood by the scientist’s bed, watching him.He wanted to say something.
Answer :Answer: adbefc
第四步:快速阅读Part1.和Part2 , 并完成活动4的练习 。
第五步:让学生第三次阅读活动Part1.和Part2 ,  , 并完成活动1和活动2的练习 。
第七步:作业 课后继续阅读Part1.和Part2 , 找出课文中的语言点 。
这一课时主要任务是对学生找出课文中的语言点进行讲解 。本课时为一堂精读课 。
第一步: , 根据下面问题的提示 , 用第一人称复述Part1.:(Suppose you are the creator.)
1 What did you create? 2.What does the monster look like?
3.What did it ask you to do?4.What did the monster do? 5.What happened in the end?
第二步:对学生和老师找出课文中的语言点进行讲解 。(黑体部分为讲解部分 )
1.Using bones from dead bodies, he creature that resembles a human being and gives it life.
2 Lonely and unhappy, he begins to hate his creator, Frankenstein.
3.The scientist chases the creature to the Arctic in order to destroy him, but he dies there.
4 At the end of the story, the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end hisown life.
5.It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the fist time.
6.But now I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror and disgust filled my heart.
7.I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I would disappear!
8.I rushed out, and for a long time I walked up and down my bedroom.
第三步:根据讲解的语言点进行练习 。