与父母代沟作文怎么写?( 四 )

爸爸 , 你怎么会知道 , 我为有你这样一位爸爸而自豪 , 当同学总是在抱怨爸爸不体谅他们但是我总是在心里偷偷笑哩 , 因为我有一位理解我的爸爸 , 一位不论什么事都可以告诉他 , 他会替我想办法 , 他会在一个同龄人的角度上替我想办法 。我很感谢他 。
但是 , 你在还没有更深入的了解我 , 你就全盘否认了我们还可以好好交流 , 你就说我长大了 , 你就说我们有与父母代沟 , 其实 , 如果真的有与父母代沟 , 只有我不能了解你 , 一定不会是我不愿和你交流 , 所以 , 我们之间永远没有与父母代沟 , 爸爸 , 我是很爱你的 , 所有 , 我知道我们之间永远没有与父母代沟 。


I have a generation gap with my parents.
I suppose that coming into being the generation gap is that parents and children have different values and beliefs.In my spare time, I don’t chat with my parents regularly.Especially having difficulty in doing something, I don’t ask help to them.On the contrary, hardly had I been unhappy about something in our school when I realized that turn to friends for help. Parents and friends offer me many different feels in my life.So it’s natural to feel like there is an uncomfortable “gap” between my parents and myself and there is a need to bridge it.
Though the problems don’t lie in a difference of opinions and values, in the way we relate to and communicate with each other.What we should pay attention to is communication.I can try to chat with parents more and listen to them patiently because they always talk something neceary and something useful to me.What’s more, when we get angry or too excited during a conversation, we should keep us calm down.Quarreling among ourselves easily destroy our credibility.When I am in silence, maybe I can understand parents’ thoughts which are good for me. In addition, apologize when I think I do or say something differently, like losing my cool or saying something hurtful during an argument.More importantly, I should accept their thoughts and humor as I can.Finally come the end of suggestion.Showing self-acceptance and tolerance for imperfection is very encouraging to me and tends to make me easier to approach with questions, regrets and challenges.The generation gap can be bridged.Through my effort, I am sure I can make it!
“你们不要说了 , 烦不烦人啊!”我扭过头不情愿地盯着爸爸妈妈 , 听着他们的喋喋不休的唠叨 , 你一言我一语的讥讽 , 我忍不住顶撞了一句……你说大人为什么这么喜欢训我们呢?如果有一点不如大人意的地方 , 脸就阴下来了 , 就像刚入春时下毛毛雨的天空 , 略带一丝寒意 , 给人一种很压抑的感觉 。这就是“大难临头”的征兆呀!接下来就是大声、激昂的训斥 , 我不屑的沉默着 。然后是一阵阵“咆哮的吼声” , 我无奈地摔门而去……