小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案(15)

29、It's said that there are many silly geese who secretly wipe their tears with quilts at night.
30、等太阳落山了,我带你去宇宙散步,和星星月亮一起 。
31、希望你开心的时候像个快乐的孩子,希望你冷静的时候像个成熟的大人 。
32、今天的星星好闪啊!他们也在想你 。
33、不许哭,不许哭,不许掉那些小珍珠 。
34、Only you can accompany you to the end,and only self-discipline,enthusiasm and diligence can make you to the end.
35、We will eventually reach the other side of the heart,where the sun is warm, flowers and birds.
36、绕过江山错落,才发现你是人间星火 。
37、失败并不可怕,可怕的是你还没有经历就已经选择放弃 。
38、本身就是一道光 , 可以照亮自己,也可以照亮别人 。
39、I hope your mood can be like stars,shining all year round,occasionally hiding from dark clouds.
40、风若能为我停留,你便会为我停留 。
41、只要你一直保持微笑 , 这个世界就不算太糟 。
42、Itself is a light,can illuminate oneself ,  also can illuminate others.
43、Busyness and going to bed early is a good cure for heart disease.
44、慢慢变好,慢慢成为自己想要成为的人 。
45、Don't cry ,  don't drop those little pearls.
46、Around the mountains and rivers scattered,only to find that you are the world spark.
47、当你认真去做一件事的时候 , 你想要的都会慢慢奔向你 。
48、LIke a child,always believe in hope , I believe the dream.
49、不管感情还是生活 , 都要好好经营,实在不行就撤 。
50、希望你的心情可以像星星一样,常年闪闪发光 , 偶尔躲躲乌云 。
51、夏天的晚风最能抚慰人心 。
52、When the moon is unhappy, it will talk with the stars!
53、要睡觉咯,明天还会是被爱的一天 。
54、I suspect you are a rabbit wanted by the moon.
55、世界变黑了 , 眼睛要关门了 。
56、Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that you choose to give up before you experience it.
58、遗憾是肯定会有的,但你总不能因为遗憾就停滞不前了吧 。
59、I hope you are happy like a happy child when you are happy ,  and like a mature adult when you are calm.
60、You should go to bed. Tomorrow is still a day to be loved.
61、If you are not living well now,can you work hard to make yourself better.
62、The world is getting dark and the eyes are closing.
我现在只想安静地坚定地一直喜欢一个人 。承诺是那样的美好,但我却不敢保证会到永远 。你知道有哪些唯美英文的可以知道摘抄的好句子呢?这里给大家分享一些关于唯美英文的句子,供大家参考 。