小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案(18)

32、如果你放不下曾经,那么你就永远走不到未来 。
If you can't let go of the past, then you can never go to the future.
33、你惊叹这世界的深邃,所以不是对谁都无谓 。
You marvel at the depth of the world, so it's not meaningless toeveryone.
34、刹那芳华,犹如指尖流砂 。灿烂烟花,终究剪不下 。
In a flash, it's like quicksand on your fingertips. Brilliant fireworks,after all, can not be cut.
35、轻巧的来了,走的时候,却显得格外沉重 。我将永远也无法忘记那阵甜风,是它,入了我的梦 。
Light to come, walk, but it is particularly heavy. I will never forget thatsweet wind, it is it, into my dream.
36、一花一世界、一叶一枯荣,一界之内,所生劫数,尽为道法 。
One flower, one world, one leaf, one withering glory, within one realm, alldoom and doom are Tao Dharma.
37、一封长信,杂乱的文字,我该如何落款,如何寄与时光 。
A long letter, messy words, how I should sign, how to send time.
After watching a movie that I can't understand, I find that others areabsorbed and intoxicated. Then I suddenly understand what loneliness is?
39、有些人,有些事,一直藏在心底深处 , 从不曾刻意想起 , 一旦遇上,便一发不可收拾 。
Some people, some things, have been hidden in the bottom of my heart, neverdeliberately think of, once met, it is out of control.
40、是你 , 给了我温馨的阳光 , 与你相遇,相恋到相依,我负了我的整个世界 。
Is you, gave me the warm sunshine, meets with you, falls in love with eachother, I negative my entire world.
1、在孤单的夜色中真的很想念你、感觉你就在我身边 。
In the lonely night, I really miss you and feel you are by my side.
2、你知道我和唐僧有什么区别吗?唐僧取经,我娶你 。
Do you know the difference between me and Tang Seng? I will marry you.
3、聪明的爱人珍惜的是爱人的爱 , 而不是爱人的礼物 。
A wise lover cherishes his love, not his gift.
4、你说过 , 你空有一颗心 , 里面都是我 。
You said, you have a heart, it's all me.
5、别遗忘俄一小我也可以好好,俄不在乎你的在乎 。
Don't forget Russia a person can also be good, I don't care about yourcare.
6、我多想要维持这段爱,但是你却不给我多点借口 。
I want to maintain this love, but you don't give me more excuses.
7、今夜太晚了,明天再继续想你 。
It's too late tonight. I'll miss you tomorrow.
8、我喜欢她是因为,我觉得她好,她什么都好 。
I like her because I think she is good. She is good at everything.