小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案(19)

9、我负责爱你 , 你负责鼓励我爱你 。
I am responsible for loving you, and you are responsible for encouraging meto love you.
10、一句问候,让我触动心弦,再次发现你很重要 。
A greeting, let me touch the heartstrings, again found you are veryimportant.
11、他即使有千般不好,万般辜负,毕竟是我爱过的人 。
Even if he has all kinds of bad, all kinds of disappointments, after all,he is the one I loved.
I heard it's cheap to get married now. Let's get married. I'll treatyou!
13、玻璃心就该被砸碎几次,不然永远学不会坚强 。
The glass heart should be broken several times, otherwise it will never bestrong.
14、其实最幸福的事是:你喜欢的人 , 比你更加喜欢你 。
In fact, the happiest thing is: the person you like likes you more thanyou.
You know what to do with just one look in my eyes?
16、我想念你,魂不守舍 , 恍惚迷离中竟将红色看成绿色 。
I miss you. I miss you. I think red is green.
17、只有自己知道,心被撕碎了,再合起来的过程有多痛 。
Only I know, the heart is torn, and how painful it is to close again.
18、谢谢你 , 让我变成更好的人 。
Thank you for making me a better person.
19、时间虽然冲淡了回忆,但还是没能让我忘记你 。
Although time diluted the memory, but still can't let me forget you.
20、那所谓的伤心,无非是那伤透的心情 。
The so-called sadness is nothing more than the broken mood.
21、海誓山盟无怨无悔,结果却像风中飘落旳花蕊 。
Vow to promise without regret, but the result is like the stamen falling inthe wind.
22、我就是我,自己看自己都上火 。
I'm who I am. I'm angry at myself.
23、人生活得是否快乐,关键是具有什么样的心态 。
Whether people live a happy life, the key is what kind of mentality.
24、你陪我走过一无所有 , 我陪你走到岁月尽头 。
You accompany me through nothing, I accompany you to the end of theyears.
25、春天到了,又是荷尔蒙增长的时刻 。
It's spring, and it's time for hormones to grow.
26、兴亡千古繁华梦 , 诗眼倦天涯 。
Rise and fall eternal prosperous dream, poetic eyes tired of the end of theworld.
27、全世界我只想要你,别人再好我都假装看不到 。
I just want you all over the world. No matter how good others are, Ipretend I can't see it.
28、收藏甜蜜,把握幸福,真爱永远不改变 。
Collect sweetness, grasp happiness, true love will never change.
29、竟管世界如此繁华、都与我无关 。