小女孩鲜花花语 小女孩花语录温柔英文文案(20)

Even though the world is so prosperous, it has nothing to do with me.
30、有毒的草开出迷人的花,害你的人说你爱听的话 。
Poisonous grass blooms charming flowers, and those who harm you say whatyou like to hear.
31、我就喜欢你那副不爱别人 , 只爱我的样子 。
I like the way you don't love others but only me.
32、这世界怎么都是你,原来你住在我的心里 。
This world how is you, originally you live in my heart.
33、怕你被别人喜欢,更怕你喜欢上别人 。
I'm afraid that you are liked by others, but I'm afraid that you likeothers.
34、我感觉自己太花心了 , 喜欢上了每一天的你 。
I feel too playful, like you every day.
35、风过山野,云游四方,星河滚烫,你是人间理想 。
Wind over the mountains, travel around the four sides, the Star River ishot, you are the human ideal.
36、相识是最珍贵的缘份,思念是最美丽的心情 。
Acquaintance is the most precious fate, missing is the most beautifulmood.
37、看到你的手我就能安心 , 陪你天涯海角 。
See your hand, I can feel at ease, accompany you far and wide.
38、我贪你这人间绝色,去他的四大皆空 。
I covet that you are the most beautiful person in the world.
39、别总是割我一刀,又给我擦血敷药 。
Don't always cut me a knife, and give me blood dressing.
40、书写你的名字 , 开满莲花的池塘到处都是你的温情!
Write your name, the pond full of lotus flowers is full of your warmth!