我的环保畅想演讲稿怎么写?( 三 )

下面这更值得我们反思 。一些学生扫的垃圾倒入别人清理干净的垃圾桶里 。多么让人气愤 , 如果你是清理垃圾桶的学生 , “已所不欲 , 勿失于人”是众所周知的 。然而这些人却这样做 , 这些人的道德修养更有待提高 。
我再谈谈影响不大但又值得我们注意的地方 。带异味的早点进入教室 。虽然大家都认为很平常、很方便 , 但大家都带异味早点进去 , 会造成空气不新鲜 。大家都吸收了不新鲜的空气 , 这对大家都不好 。我们应做到“勿以善小而不为 , 勿以恶小而为之” 。以上所举的不良现象 , 如踩草坪 , 有时自己也会想:“别人踩 , 自己就方便自己一下 , 就踩一次 。”这样自己踩一次 , 别人踩一次 。也许大家都认为自己不经常 , 但我们踩过了 , 我们在不同程度地伤害了草坪 。有些素质高的人自己放纵自己走一次也许心里都会自责 。因为自己一直要求自己做好 。这些放纵对事物的危害不大 , 但一些祸患都是来自于小错误 。现在人才市场呈现卖方市场 , 人才竞争激烈 。我们大家也应该听说在激烈的竞争中 , 一些人因美德而被聘用的现象 。所以这又一次提醒我们重修美德的重要性 。
重修美德 , 提高自身素质 。
重修美德 , 保护校园环境 。
过去我们或多或少有一些不好的行为 , 没关系 , “人无完人 , 金无足赤” , 我们可以从这一刻起改正 。以后 , 我们就不再这样 , 也是可以的 。
同学们 , 我们大学生要牢固树立环境保护意识 , 身体力行 , 从小事做起 , 从身边做起 , 从自己做起 。
谢谢大家 , 我的演讲完毕 。篇2:我的环保演讲稿good evening everyone,my topic is “environmental protection is my top concern”. with the rapid development of economy and technology, mankind has entered a new stage of civilization.meanwhile,there are a lot of knotty problems followed by this development.one of those problems is environmental protection which is my top concern.now i?ll explain my concern in details. as we all know, we have made a lot of pollutions including water pollution,air pollution ,solid waste pollution and so on.these pollutions have made great changes to our life and environment and i?m so worried that we won?t regret for what we have done until it?s too late. i?m concerned that the seawater polluted by the oil leaking from the tanker in the gulf of mexico will kill the last seagull in the world and the last drip of water will be our human?s tear. i?m concerned that the greenhouse gases produced by deforestation will change the world into a big stove and with the melting of icebergs , we will never have the chance to see a polar bear and penguin and the last piece of land in the world will be swallowed up by the sea. and i?m also concerned that the solid waste produced by our so-called civilized citizen will change our beautiful homeland into ajunk city and we will never breathe the fresh air and appreciate the clear sky. all of these pollutions above lead to greenhouse effect and the globle warming has changed the order of atmospheric circulation.with the changing of climate, the ecology will never be balanced again and humans are now receiving the punishment in the form of experiencing nutrual disaster.let?s see some statistics in 2010. on january 12th,haiti?s 7.3 earthquake caused 113 thousand deaths and 196 thousand injured. from march to april, yiyafala volcano in iceland erupted twice.and it is said that the ash may caused acid rain in china. these data warns us that it?s time to stop destroying,it ?s time to feel guilty for what we did and it?s time to establish a whole new world in which the environment is friendly and sustainable.there rumor that 2012 is on its way has thrown many people into panic.and i?m also bothered by this rumor for sometime because if there really was the end of world ,i would so sorry that ihave many valuable things undone.and now we can do nothing but cherish life and enjoy every single minute with the people we love and try our best to protect the environment and save our broken home. so time is up and let?s start from ourselves now !篇3:低碳环保,从我做起演讲稿