我的好朋友郭轶男范文有没有?( 六 )

当要求受试者们列出拥有异性朋友的优势和劣势时,32%的人认为互相吸引的感觉是负担,而只有6%的人表示这种感觉有好处 。
Women were more likely than men to say attraction was a drawback: 47 percent of women ages 18 to 23 listed attraction as a cost of an opposite-sex friendship, while 22 percent of men said the same.
女性比男性更可能把互相吸引看成是负担:研究中有47%年龄在18岁到23岁之间的女性,把吸引力列为异性友谊的负担,而只有22%的男性持相同的观点 。
Opposite-sex friendships may also harm romantic relationships.In the study, 38 percent of women and 25 percent of men ages 27 to 50 said jealousy from their romantic partners was one cost of maintaining an opposite-sex friendship.
异性友谊也可能伤害到恋爱关系 。在研究中,有38%的女性和25%的男性(年龄都在27岁和50岁之间)说导致恋人嫉妒是维持异性友谊的代价之一 。
In addition, the more attraction that people felt in an opposite-sex friendship, the le satisfied they were with their current romantic relationship, the researchers told MyHealthNewsDaily.
另外,人们在异性友谊中感觉到的吸引力越大,他们对当前的恋爱关系越不满意,研究人员对《每日健康新闻》这样说 。
"Our findings implicate attraction in cro-sex friendship as both common and of
potentialnegative consequence for individuals’ long-term mateships," the researchers, from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, write in the August iue of the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
“我们的研究表明,异性友谊中的双方普遍彼此互相吸引,这种关系会对个人长期的伴偶关系有着潜在的负面影响 。” 来自威斯康星大学的研究人员欧-克莱尔在八月刊的《社会与个体关系》中发表了这一内容 。
In a separate study, 88 college-age men and women came to the laboratory with an opposite-sex friend, and the pairs were surveyed about that particular friendship.
在一项单独的调查中,88名大学年龄段的男生和女生和他们的异性朋友一起来到实验室,研究人员对他们之间的这种异性友谊关系进行了研究 。
Participants rated their level of attraction toward their friend on a scale of one to nine.On average, men rated their level of attraction toward their female friends as a five, while women rated their level of attraction to their male friends as a four.
受试者对异性朋友给他们的吸引力感觉进行了评分,分数的范围从1到9 。平均来看,男性对女性朋友带来的吸引力感觉评分的分数是5,而女性对男性朋友的吸引力评分是4 。Men and women reported about the same level of attraction toward their friends regardle of whether they currently involved in a romantic relationship.
无论受试者有没有在恋爱中,他们在异性友谊中感受到的异性朋友吸引力的水平都不相上下 。