《坐井观天》改写作文怎么写?( 三 )

However, it is my belief that some problems can’t be ignored since the growing number of pets may leads to hygiene problems.In many public places pets should be forbidden to enter because they are likely to spread disease and interfere with other people.In short.we should always keep our environment clean at any time.
第一段:根据提示简单说明养宠物的现象,提出问题 。
第二段:对问题做简单分析 。
第三段:简述自己的看法 。
Test 3
Part IWriting:
Private Tutoring
A recent investigation shows that private tutoring is “in” and that an increasing number of college students choose to be tutors in their spare time.
Nowadays, on the one hand, many parents are attaching greater importance to education for their children.However, many of them are helple when their children meet with difficulties in study.Private tutoring may be the better solution.On the other hand, those students who work as tutors usually come from poor families or have financial difficulties, they want to make money for themselves and relieve the burden of their parents.In addition, some students expect to be aociated with society by working as tutors.
However, some people think that college students should make good use of their time in study, but not wasting their valuable time as tutors.As for me, it is not a bad thing for college students to be tutored in their spare time as long as they are able to arrange their time well.
第一段:根据提示,开门见山提出主题:大学生做家教流行 。
第二段:然后简述其原因, 对大学生做家教的利弊做简单分析 。
第三段:简述自己的看法 。
Test 4
Part IWriting:
Where There is Will,There is Way
This proverb means that if you are really determined to do something, you will overcome any difficulties until you eventually succeed.
If one wants to succeed in doing something, he must obtain great courage to face and overcome any difficulties he encounters on his way to achieve the goal.He should learn to strengthen his will and can’t allow failures to defeat him.Many succeful people home and abroad have achieved amazing achievements just because they have such characters.
Let’s take English study for example , many people want to learn English well, but the result is usually opposite to their wish just because those people are lack of strong will to win through obstacles and to keep learning English often.However, those who are really determined to learn English well are never afraid of difficulties in learning English and always persist in learning it.Therefore, they can finally succeed in learning English well and really master a foreign language.
1.简单解释作文题的含义 。
2.简单阐述为什么“有志者事竟成“的道理 。
3.举例说明主题的正确性 。
Test 5
Part IWriting:
Job Problems for College Graduates