酒店代表员工发言稿( 三 )

handle affairs, other staff can help him receive hear a telephone call, welcome a visitor, sign a contract to wait a moment.we are namely below the atmosphere of a such solidarity, mutual help completed an another work.in this year, the company has been organized barbecue, outdoors live the entertainment activity such as contest of friendship of couplet of challenge picnic, male, female la qiu, the company still held english to groom cla, aroused each employee to learn the interest of the foreign language, the member that it is everybody raised oneself quality to create an opportunity.carry these activities begin, make we the life of each employee becomes richer, more appearance is colorful, at the same time promotional the friendship between each employee.the company is caring our life momently, care our health, arranged check-up for us, unite the medicaments that buys precautionary
cold for us, still arrange a dining room to be waited a moment for our bao cool tea, make everybody feels the company is just like a warm big family.everything all, of the brilliant leader that is as decision-making as the company layer and faculty give full cooperation do not divide, here, thank general manager liu sheng and each manager on behalf of faculty sincerely, appreciate a company.wish each colleague happy new year finally, be healthy!
尊敬的各位领导 , 同事们 , 大家下午好!
我是酒店餐饮部领班彭诗 , 能在站这个舞台上 , 我感到无比光荣 , 这种光荣是来自各级领导的深切关怀 , 来自部门员工的充分信任 , 我在这里真诚的说一句:谢谢你们!关于酒店评星 , 我其实在几年前就经历过 , 那时候我供职于解放碑一家四星级酒店 , 当时酒店全体
上下都为评星而劳碌奔波 , 最终使酒店评上了国际四星级 。有人肯定要问 , 评星那么累 , 这么做值得么 。我可以郑重其事的回答你:值得 。为什么值得呢?因为这是一份至高无上的荣誉 , 是作为一名酒店人证明自己也证明酒店的最好方式 。可能有些同事还不太了解酒店评星的意义 , 那我就来说一说吧:
第一个:可以提升酒店的档次 , 可以吸引更多追求高档次、高标准的顾客 。
第二个:可以提高酒店的知名度和信誉度 , 提高市场营销效率 。
第三个:可以增强员工凝聚力 , 使员工队伍更加团结 , 更好的为酒店宾客进行服务 。
说完这些 , 我想我们都应该明白了评星的重要性 , 接下来我想说的是 , 我们作为一个酒店人 , 应该为酒店评星作哪些准备 。
首先 , 应当积极参加酒店和部门的各项培训 , 通过认真学习 , 来提高服务质量 , 提升服务品质 。