英文中关于情绪表达的俚语有哪些 sentiment英语名言

sentiment英 [?sent?m?nt] 美 [?sent?m?nt]
n. 观点,看法,情绪;多愁善感,伤感情绪
[ 复数 sentiments ]
consumer sentiment 消费意欲 ; 消费者情绪 ; 消费者信心 ; 消费者情绪指数
public sentiment 公众意见 ; 公众的情绪
moral sentiment 道德情操
fragile consumer sentiment 消费意欲薄弱
investor sentiment 投资人情绪 ; 者情緖 ; 投资者情绪指数
National sentiment 民族情绪 ; 民族感情
Sentiment of My Heart 心灵感悟
Sentiment Classification 情感分类 ; 文本倾向性分析 ; 情绪分类 ; 态度分类
Sentiment Index 情绪指数 ; 情感指数
sentiment /?s?nt?m?nt/ CET6 TEM4
1. N-VAR A sentiment that people have is an attitude which is based on their thoughts and feelings. 情绪
例:Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.
公众的情绪迅速转向反美 。
例:He's found growing sentiment for military action.
他已经发现支持军事行动的情绪在日益增长 。
2. N-COUNT A sentiment is an idea or feeling that someone expresses in words. 观点; 感想
例:I must agree with the sentiments expressed by John Prescott.
我必须同意约翰?普雷斯科特表达的观点 。
3. N-UNCOUNT Sentiment is feelings such as pity or love, especially for things in the past, and may be considered exaggerated and foolish. 伤感; 感情
例:Laura kept that letter out of sentiment.
劳拉出于伤感保留了那封信 。
market sentiment 市场情绪;市场气氛;市场人心
public sentiment 公众意见;公众的情绪
moral sentiment 道德情操
Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.
公众的情绪迅速转向反美 。
His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment.
他的讲话表露出一种强烈的民族主义情绪 。
With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement.
对于最后一个观点,阿诺德强烈赞同 。
【英文中关于情绪表达的俚语有哪些 sentiment英语名言】My email:ilikework_cz@126.com