初三毕业老师给学生赠言格式怎么样?( 四 )

转眼间已经和您相处三年了 。在我伤心的时候,是您鼓励我继续向前走;在我成功的时候,是您告诫我不要骄傲;在我迷失方向的时候,是您站出来,帮我找到正确的航线……在这里,我愿您像春天般美丽动人,像翡翠一般纯洁无瑕,像阳光一样灿烂夺目!


1、愿你珍惜生命征途上的每一个一天,让每天都朝气蓬勃地向前进 。
May you cherish every single day in your life and let it go forward everyday with vigor and vitality.
I hope you will grow up happily and have a happy childhood in thefuture.
I wish you can grow up quickly, and you can always infect everyone aroundyou with your lovely smile.
4、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌 。
The spring of the mountain stream is singing a beautiful song after twistsand turns.
5、让自己无路可走吧,这样你才能学会飞 。
Let yourself have no way to go, so that you can learn to fly.
6、人生即一场相遇,即使错过也不深究,珍惜安好 。
Life is a meeting, even if we miss it, we will not cherish it.
This test is already a comma, and there are countless commas after youlaugh over it!
8、耕耘者最信和过自己的汗水,每一滴都孕育着一颗希望的种子 。
The cultivator is most confident of his own sweat, and every drop ispregnant with a seed of hope.
Baby, you are happy, so I am happy! I wish you every success in the NewYear!
10、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久 。
Since you are looking for a way, why bother asking about how long it willtake.
11、宝宝你是如此的优秀,必须能够应对并且战胜所有的困难和挑战 。
Baby you are so excellent that you must be able to deal with and overcomeall difficulties and challenges.
12、给自己一份慰籍,给自己一份勇气,跌到了自己爬起来 。
Give yourself a comfort, give yourself a courage, fall to their own climbup.
13、看到差距,认真分析,找出原因 。只要努力,必能进步!
See the gap, carefully analyze, find out the reason. As long as we workhard, we will make progress.
14、孩子,妈妈没有离开你,妈妈就藏在你黑黑的眼瞳里 。
My mother, I didn't leave you, my mother was hiding in your dark eyes.
Spring blossoms, I know you are here, with our hope, come slowly!