初三毕业老师给学生赠言格式怎么样?( 五 )

16、人生要自己把握,努力勤奋,才是成功之道 。
Life is to be grasped by ourselves, and diligence is the way tosuccess.
17、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观 。
When the waterfall crosses the steep steep wall, it looks extraordinarilymagnificent.
18、如果你有那个实力,就好好利用它,绽放它 。
If you have that strength, make good use of it and bloom.
19、假如你从来未曾害怕受窘受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险 。
If you have never been afraid of being embarrassed or hurt, it is good thatyou have never taken risks.
May you be a clever child! May you be the master of time!
21、从前不会回头,往后不会将就 。
I will never turn back, but I will not do it later.
22、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸 。
Struggling in the sweat of the river, the boat of career has reached theideal shore.
The beginning of the new semester, in order to brilliant tomorrow, happysailing!
24、今天你所受的伤,只会让你明天更坚强 。
The injury you get today will only make you stronger tomorrow.
25、愿你像松柏一样坚定,像杨柳一样柔韧,像花朵一样妩媚 。
May you be as firm as pine and cypress, as pliable as willows, and ascharming as flowers.
26、种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气 。
The seeds bear in mind the instructions of raindrops.
27、你无论做得怎样样,表现如何,你是我亲爱的孩子,我依然爱你 。
No matter what you do or how you behave, you are my dear child, and I stilllove you.
28、你必须足够拼命,才能让命运对你网开一面 。
You have to fight hard enough to make fate open to you.
29、未来的道路,你要一步步踏实,再远都有我的心跟随 。
The future road, you must step by step, and have my heart to follow.
30、书本中散发着熟悉的清香,校园里演奏起快乐的音响 。
The books are emanating with familiar scent and playing a happy stereo oncampus.


当你们怀抱着期望,怀揣着梦想起航走进初中的校门时,你们像小精灵一般在学校的每一个角落追逐着,跳跃着,你们的笑声带给初中校园如此美好的时光 。一切都是那么新鲜,一切都是那么有趣 。终于可以离开家,离开每天唠叨的父母,独自走天涯了,那种豪壮现在也许还历历在目 。
心中的梦想在燃烧,因为你们想在初中好好干一场,抛开所有的坏习惯,扔掉所有的无知,走向全新的自己,于是,你们上课认真听讲,郑重的在作业本的封面写上自己的名字 。新的生活开始了 。老师看到了你们积极向上的笑脸,听到了你们朗朗的背书声,触摸到了你们内心最纯真的思维 。