no thanks. i am just looking(11)

货轮 Cargo
邮轮 Passenger Liner
拖网渔船 Trawler
渔船 Fishing Boat
拖船 Tug
战斗位置太平洋:求游戏中关于依阿华级战列舰和大和级战列舰的英文简介 , 输入不要有误!有中文翻译更好!
其实英文的网上有的 。
The Yamato is, quite simply, the biggest, best armoured and most powerfully armed ship ever built Weighing almost twice as much as any other battleship afloat (with the exception of her sister ship the Musashi), she is the pride of the Imperial Fleet Her 181" main guns canash through the armour of any opponent, and will destroyaller ships with a single shot, while the huge secondary batteries she carries give her excellent defence against air attack Only a sustained and concerted attack by a much larger force has any chance at all of successfully engaging this titan The Yamato is currently the flagship of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, mander of the bined Fleet
(个人翻译)大和级 , 简单地说 , 是有史以来最大、装甲最好和火力最强的战列舰 。她拥有比其他战列舰重两倍的船体(除了她的姊妹舰武藏号),是帝国海军的骄傲 。她的181英寸主炮可以撕开任何对手的装甲 , 可以一击摧毁小的舰船,同时其上装备的大量中口径炮使其有很好的防空能力 。只有更强大的打击力量长时间集中攻击才有可能击败这样的庞然大物 。大和号现在是联合舰队司令长官山本五十六的旗舰 。
The Iowa Class battleships are the most powerful and advanced 攻attleships of the United States Navy Designed as 'fast' battleships, these ships have very high top speeds and are capable of escorting a quick carrier force Mounting nine 16"/50 naval guns in three turrets as main guns, bined with the improved radar targeting system, no ship can beat the Iowa in a long-range bat, and the large number of 5" secondary batteries provide excellent anti-air protection Although the Yamato's armour is slightly better, the high speed and manoeuvrability of the Iowa Class ca>>
这本书真的是太棒了,但是我必须结合自己的现状做出吸收 。
首先,销售无所不在,只要有交易,就有销售 。可是是衣服可以是山地车
客人来了,不是要问:你想要什么?有什么可以帮助你的吗?而是在说一句你好之后,不经意的聊天,建立基本的信任,之后就是产品的特色和需求的考量 。
产品的特色在于(首先你要做一件东西的销售你就必须喜欢这件产品或者说这一批产品,否则装不出来 , 我觉得卖保险就是一个考验,并不见得所有人都是真正认可保险的价值并且你比顾客更加清楚这个产品的价值和同类产品的比较),买什么?为什么?哪一款?
既然认同,那么就可能产生一个不好的方面就是觉得自己认可的就是很好的 , 所以,要认识到别人的需求,问答赞,完整倾听,承认不同意见 , 请求许可 , 你喜欢吗?问题检测,向顾客询问价格 。