写给老师保证书如何写?( 九 )

写给老师的英文道歉信Dear teaher:我错了.我不该在课堂上打瞌睡;也不该顶撞老师,惹老师生气;更不该用幽怨的眼神瞪着老师那被气得苍白的脸!老师每天日理万机,忙忙碌碌,为了同学们呕心沥血,推心置腹,肝胆相照,使同学们茁壮成长,健康发芽,您是辛勤的园丁.而无却大大咧咧的在您的课堂上睡觉,还大言不惭地公然顶撞您,使您下不了台,更深深地伤了您的心,辜负了您对我的谆谆教诲,良苦用心.我真是罪该万死,罪大恶极,但是,错误并不可怕,可怕的是漠视错误,况且,人非圣贤,孰能无过,知错就改.善莫大焉,苦海无边,回头是岸,放下屠刀,立地成佛.老师请您给我一个改过自新的机会,我一定会洗心革面,重新做人,金盆洗手,永不再犯.I as rong.I shouldn t doze off in la; should not ontradit the teaher, made the teaher angr; should not stare ith sad ees that the teaher as angr pale fae! The teaher ever da affairs, bustling about, for students to make painstaking efforts, treat a person ith sinerit, be in perfet smpath ith eah other, make students gro sturdil, health groing up, ou are hard gardener.But is arele in our la to sleep, also boast ithout shame to openl against ou, make ou don, more deepl hurt our heart, failed to live up to ou for our earnest teahings, the good intentions herished.I m damned, mit the most heinous rimes, but, the error is not
terrible, terrible is disregarded errors, moreover, people are not saints, to err is human, Zhiuojiugai.It, the endle sea of tribulations, repent and be saved, la don the buther s knife, bee a Buddha immediatel.Please give me a hane to start ith a lean slate, I ould turn over a ne leaf, leaf, gave up the old busine, never again.假如我再犯的话,您一定不要心慈手软,请立刻把我扭送政教处,让他们那硕大的拳头洗涤我罪恶的心灵;假如我再犯的话,定会天打雷劈.五雷轰顶,打入十八层地狱,永世不得翻身.您看,这么恶毒的誓言,标志着我一心向善,悔不当初的意愿.老师,假如我真再犯的话,您骂我吧,打我吧,杀了我吧,我不会怨您的.If I do anthing, ou must not be softhearted, please immediatel took me over to hurh and State Department, let them that giganti fist ashing m guilt soul; if I do anthing, ill be the da.Thunderstruk, enter at the bottom of the hell, for all eternit.You see, so viious oath, marks the good one regret having done sth., ill.The teaher, if I reall do anthing, ou all me, all me, kill me, I ill not blame ou.篇
非常的抱歉,冤枉了您,现在我非常深刻的认识到了自己的错误,我没有了解到事情的本质,还一味的自以为,您受了那么大的委屈,我还这么不懂事的冤枉您,真的十分的抱歉,我只是为了一句不中听的话,一时糊涂,犯下了这么大的错误,我没有别的意思,只是一时的脑热,惹出这么大的事,更没有想到自己会触犯的法律 。我知