雾霾优秀作文如何写?( 三 )

加粗的文字使我感到了恐惧:肺炎、气管炎、支气管炎……最大的两个文字更使我触目惊心——死亡!接着,老师让我们阅读发下来的资料,上面有着雾霾的很多知识 。其中就有雾霾的形成 。都是我们人类自作自受!我心想着 。雾霾竟是由于汽车尾气、工厂废气、道路扬尘等等理由形成 。
就在期末阶段,我染上了气管炎,吃了好多的药,都没有用去,仍然高烧不退,只好去医院 。医院里人好多,似乎都是像我这种,死命的咳嗽!我晚上九点中去,十一点多才轮到我,从医院配了几种药,结果任然没用,又去医院挂了两天吊瓶,才慢慢好转 。在吊瓶时,我心想:都是雾霾害的!我们真该好好保护环境,否则,以后口罩都要成为我们的出门必备用品了 。


The hazy weather
This year the character ‘haze’ came into our life ,the problem of which has aroused people’s concern.
The hazy weather has a bad influence on our daily life , especially in our breath system and transportation .Some Ridicules show the bad hazy effect , for example :“The longest distance in the world is that I could not see Chairman Mao even though I am right in front of the Tiananmen! ” and “Dust and smog is crazily thick! Be strong and do not breathe!(厚德载雾,自强不吸)”Then ,how does this happen ? First ,wo should know haze is a kind of weather , but it is not like the rain、the snow .Originally it is a reflection to serious pollution , it is a red warning signal .There i conclude two reasons .First , Large pollutant emiion is the crucial factor .Second , Disadvantageous condition for dispersal(扩散条件不利) , emiion is unavoidable ,but dispersal must be timely .
So ,what should we do in the haze ? When we go out ,we should wear mask , and take public transportation .The media should face the problem ,not sugarcoat (粉饰 [\\'??ɡ?,k??t] ) it .The government ought to enhance the public supervision(社会监管) , and develop clean energy .
We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive together!


同学们,让我们看一眼熟悉的蓝天吧!原本天空还荡漾着淡蓝的色彩,可如今却被雾霾染成了灰色 。大雾弥漫视野不足五十米,这样的天空是我们想要的吗?究竟是谁把蔚蓝的天空变成现在的模样呢?罪魁祸首不是别人,正是雾霾 。
那雾霾又是怎么形成的呢?雾霾是空中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸组成的,能使大气混浊,视野模糊并导致能见度恶化 。形成雾霾的根本原因还是因为太多家不正规的加工厂,每天这些加工厂排放的硝烟使雾霾迅速笼照中国各地,其中污染最严重的地区还要数北京和河北了,每天的PM2.5指数达到了三百以上,雾霾的危害不止这些 。我们出门时必须配戴一个口罩,不然一旦吸入有污染的空气,轻则气短、胸闷 。重则会肺部感染,形成肺炎,甚至会有生命危险 。而且雾霾不光是对人体呼吸系统进行危害,对心血管、脑血管、视经系统都有影响 。据专家统计北京近年来肺癌患者增加了百分之六十,这个数字十分惊人 。那么雾霾的危害那么大,我们怎么预防呢?