《死亡医师》观后感100字( 三 )

只有Kim Morgan很快发现了邓奇的真面目,然后果断离开 。确实是聪明的女人,面试时就指出邓奇诊所的种种问题 。演员Grace Gummer,以前看过她的《医缘》,是很有潜力的演员,这次《死亡医生》比《医缘》表现更好 。不得不提一句(Grace本人可能不喜欢这样介绍啦),她的母亲是赫赫有名的梅丽尔-斯特里普,仔细看眉眼还挺像呢 。【更正:演《医缘》(Emily Owens M.D.)的,不是Grace,而是斯特里普的另一个女儿麦米-古默,Mamie还在《基本演绎法》S3E6演过凶手 。姐妹俩长得很像 。Grace的代表作是《美国恐怖故事》等】
邓奇给Kim的这封电子邮件会起关键作用吧?这么明确地表示自己就是个冷血杀手和反社会 。这部剧目前还没看到浪费的镜头或台词,邓特办公室里有一个坏了的灯曾经有人问起过,邓特以自己舞技不好支支吾吾,几集之后剧里交待了坏的原因 。
第六集打电话骗老爸的钱,电话亭旁边有骷髅的涂鸦 。很有心的镜头 。
Roger Ebert关于《死亡医生》的评论
原作者是Ebert团队的Brian Tallerico,国外的专业影评人是看到全部八集以后写的评论,给了3/4的评分 。【】内是我的想法,不是翻译 。
Peacock’s intelligent and gripping “Dr. Death,” based on the podcast of the same name, avoids the pitfalls of many true crime narratives, smartly realizing that a monster like Christopher Duntsch can’t be explained in an eight-episode mini-series. I have a strong aversion to projects about sociopaths that attempt to explain them away via abusive pasts or other supposed “reasons” for their actions. Those ideas proliferate because of a human need to try and compartmentalize evil, but men like Chris Duntsch can’t be so easily explained, and this series about his rise and fall understands that. With excellent performances and a procedural tone that interrogates an entire system instead of just one man, “Dr. Death” is a solid drama about a man who thought he could play God but never realized he wasn’t talented or smart enough to do so.
【intelligent,gripping,smartly,excellent performance,solid drama,极尽赞美之词 。明确表示自己不喜欢心理探索,给恶魔人性化的描写,或者给他一个被虐待的童年什么的,完全用不着 。这段也承认八集是写不明白男主这样的恶魔的,他就是一个想扮演上帝的人,却不够聪明,也不够有才华——如果先天不聪明,也可能通过后天的努力获得才华,但邓奇只想走捷径 。】
A rising star in the Dallas medical community, Christopher Duntsch (Joshua Jackson) promised life-changing procedures to his patients, most of whom came to him at the lowest points in their lives. He claimed to be a pioneer in stem cell research that would forever change those afflicted with spinal issues, and his neurosurgery practice seemed like it was on the rise when patients suddenly started coming out of his procedures maimed or worse. A neurosurgeon named Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) who was called in to clean up one of Duntsch’s botched surgeries realized the borderline insane situation with which he was dealing and aligned with a colleague named Randall Kirby (Christian Slater) to try and get Duntsch’s license taken away. As they investigated Duntsch’s many failures, they realized the depth of his depravity, and the whole thing turned into a legal case, led by a young Dallas prosecutor named Michelle Shugart (AnnaSophia Robb), who eventually prosecuted Duntsch in a precedent-setting trial.